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World-leading China's patent applications are accelerated and scrutinized to boost key industries

World-leading China's patent applications are accelerated and scrutinized to boost key industries


Ahead of the official announcement, the ministry mentioned plans to improve patent examination standards in emerging fields such as big data, artificial intelligence and genetic technology.

[We will] Mr. Wang Peizhang, Director of CNIPA's Intellectual Property Utilization Promotion Department, said that the review will expand the scope of review, speed up the process, and support important technological breakthroughs and high-quality development of key industries. He said he would strengthen the mechanism. Press conference on March 29th.

Original innovation is consistently the weakest link; [Chinas] Self-Reliant Innovation Chinese Academy of Sciences Xu Guanhua

Patents are considered an important indicator of innovation and technological strength, but China has also been criticized for heavily subsidizing patent applicants and emphasizing quantity over quality.

China has maintained its top position in patent applications under the United Nations Patent Cooperation Treaty for the fifth consecutive year, filing 69,610 applications in 2023, according to data released by the World International Patent Organization (Wipo) last month. (The number of applications under the International Patent Cooperation Treaty is 55,678). America.

Recently, patents have attracted even more attention as the Chinese government promotes technological independence against the backdrop of intensifying international competition with the United States in vitally important fields such as semiconductors. Leaders are also working to strengthen quality oversight and reduce substandard applications.

Original innovation is consistently the weakest link; [Chinas] Xu Guanhua, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former science and technology minister, said it was a self-sustaining innovation.

China and the United States are engaged in a fierce battle over another technological aspect: patent applications.

Last month, Xu told the Study Times, a spokesperson for the Chinese Communist Party's Central Party School, that basic research in cutting-edge technology will lead the way to emerging industries and serve as an indicator of national strength and national strength. I was told. A lifeline to future development.

He reiterated previous calls by Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping, who in January called for efforts to foster disruptive innovation, saying that as a great power, we must make breakthroughs in our own innovations. He appealed that it should not be done.

China ranks 12th out of 132 countries surveyed in the Wipos 2023 Innovation Index, behind the likes of Switzerland, the US, Singapore and South Korea, and is the only country in the annual assessment's top 30. It became an income country.

According to a research report on China's patent quality published last year by the CICC Global Institute, there is a notable disparity in the quality of China's innovation, and certain industry deficiencies are behind the gap between China and the United States. This is a decisive factor.

The number of patents may increase rapidly due to the development of major industries, but this alone is not enough to improve the overall quality of patents CICC Global Institute

The report notes that while areas such as computer science, communications and transportation technology still have bright spots in the quality of China's innovation, reaching global frontier levels, notable deficiencies still remain in pharmaceuticals, chemicals and semiconductors. He said there was.

Based on an analysis of patents granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office compiled in the Wipo database, the report found that China's patents are primarily from the electrical engineering industry, while those from the traditional mechanical and chemical sectors said it has obtained far fewer and relatively more patents. A balanced layout found in countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany.

Although the number of patents may increase rapidly due to the development of major industries, this alone is not sufficient to improve the overall quality of patents. Improving the quality of patents requires strengthening the innovation capacity of flawed industries, the report said.

The report further warns that China's rapid increase in patents has not sufficiently translated into global technology competitiveness, with China's overseas patent applications accounting for less than 10% of the total number of applications in the past few years. He emphasized that no.

many [Chinese patent applications] They are primarily aimed at corporate promotion, product marketing, and seeking policy support, rather than with the intention of entering or profiting from foreign markets. As a result, applicants are not actively seeking substantive patent protection in multiple countries, the report said.

China surpasses US in quantum patent applications in close race

A patent investigation report released by CNIPA at the end of 2022 also pointed out the lack of international competitiveness of Chinese patents.

According to CNIPA's survey results, among the patent-holding companies surveyed, industries related to information communication, software, and IT services had the highest proportion of patent applications filed overseas, but only at 9.1%. I stayed there.

In a separate statement on Thursday, CNIPA announced that it will work with the United States, European Union, Japan and South Korea to improve the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) network, aimed at reducing prosecution time for patent applications under the PPH program. did. Up to 3 months.

PPH allows an applicant who has obtained a patent in one patent office to request expedited processing of a related application in another office, allowing the second office to take advantage of the work done in the first office. , speeding up the application process.

According to CNIPA, since launching the first PPH trial in November 2011, China has established PPH cooperation with patent examination authorities in 32 countries and regions.




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