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This Pixel Tablet feature shows what's wrong with Google

This Pixel Tablet feature shows what's wrong with Google


The Google Pixel Tablet is a strange device that wants to be a jack of all trades but is a master of none. It's a functional tablet, but it doesn't feature third-party productivity accessories like a stylus or keyboard. While this is sufficient as a smart home display, it doesn't support some key Nest Hub features such as continuous conversations. Don't get me wrong, I think it's okay, but by no means a $500 fine.

Google had a chance to think long and hard after launch and decide what this tablet was really good for, but that momentum seems to have passed. Almost a year after its launch, the tablet has only a few new features, none of which are indicative of a broader strategy. The latest additions I'd like to discuss here further prove this point and show what's wrong with Google's overall strategy. Let's dive in.

See also It's almost 2024, and your Pixel Tablet still can't do these 6 things Some problems can be fixed with software updates, while others require a Pixel Tablet 2 Note-taking shortcuts that lead nowhere

After you set Google Keep as your tablet's default notes app, you'll see a new note-taking shortcut in the bottom-right corner of your tablet.However, since at least February, tapping this button only shows a banner page that says “Coming Soon” and all it does is a big[Open Keep]It's just a button.

Mishaal Rahman, an Android expert writing for Android Authority, was able to demonstrate the functionality of this shortcut two months ago. With some hidden settings you can activate the lock screen notes feature. This allows you to use your finger or a third-party stylus to make quick drawings or jot down notes when your tablet is locked.

So this feature is basically being completed behind the scenes, but Google hasn't released it to the public yet. Instead, the company took the time to create a useless splash screen that just says something is coming rather than actually saying anything. Those who regularly read Android news may know what it is, but if someone happens to come across this screen, it won't offer anything useful, so tap the button again. You probably won't.

What struck my mind is that instead of pushing a feature live or hiding a button that currently doesn't work at all, Google decided to create a band-aid solution that doesn't actually work at all. has been decided. I wonder how useful this memo function is in the first place. It's useful if you have one of the many third-party USI pens that are compatible with the Pixel Tablet, but given the lack of an official accessory from Google, it seems odd to develop such a feature in the first place. It seems to me.

A useless note-taking button is a sign that Google has a big problem

This lack of strategy for the lock screen notes feature is a symptom of Google's problems. Google Graveyard has become a meme for a long time because Google keeps shutting down so many features and products. Also, quick and panicky pivots, such as exiting the game streaming market after less than four years and jumping on the Bard-generated AI bandwagon and quickly replacing it with Gemini, mean the company has no clear vision for the future. It doesn't exactly indicate what you have.

At the same time, it's clear that Google is ramping up its hardware development in earnest. The company has successfully switched most of its mobile devices to custom chips. Despite the many problems with Tensor chips, this represents a long-term commitment and strategy. This is especially true considering rumors that Google will switch to a more efficient design in the future. Many other Pixel signature features will also remain, including better photo algorithms, quality of life features like Now Playing, and proactive information on the lock screen and home screen via At a Glance widgets. It seems that.

The question is, is this enough? A button that does nothing on a tablet doesn't seem like a big deal, but it shows what's wrong with Google. Let's see if the company can deliver even more focus with the rumored Pixel Tablet 2.

google pixel tablet

$399 $499 $100 savings

Looking for a smart home hub that doubles as a gaming tablet? Google's Pixel Tablet fits the bill. It flaunts a 10.9-inch IPS LCD screen and is powered by Google Tensor G2 chipset and 8GB RAM for a comfortable experience. The camera setup includes an 8 MP rear and front camera, perfect for capturing natural moments and crisp video calls.




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