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PA innovation requires overcoming obstacles | Local news

PA innovation requires overcoming obstacles | Local news


To grow Pennsylvania's economy, lawmakers want to find ways to keep young people from fleeing for greener pastures elsewhere.

Sen. Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) told the Senate Republican Policy Committee on Thursday that our young people will grow up and go where we educate them well and where there is opportunity.

Republicans focused on this topic this week. On Wednesday, the federal government announced a higher education proposal that would award $5,000 scholarships to college students who commit to remain in the commonwealth, and in-state tuition to out-of-state students who do the same. .

But the well-worn drive down the interstate will take time to heal.

Sen. Christine Phillips Hill (R-York) said young people are being lost to other states because they see their greatest opportunities there. I'm tired of losing voters and businesses to places like North Carolina, Texas, and Florida.

Growth in life sciences and technology in the Philadelphia region is showing positive signs, but regional leaders warn that generating growth will be a daunting task.

John Swartley, chief innovation officer at the University of Pennsylvania, said that despite the successes, the path from academic research to commercial success to social impact continues to be fraught with significant hurdles and challenges. .

He mentioned the valley of death that entrepreneurs and businesses face.

There is a gap between early and promising research results, and many different steps and investments required to ensure that they become fully developed and market-ready projects. Swartley said this remained a major barrier to establishing industry-academia collaboration.

He said startups in the commonwealth don't have enough skilled or unskilled labor to get the job done, and there aren't enough contract manufacturers to get the job done. That's what it means.

Jamie Bretz, dean of STEM at Montgomery County Community College, said the school graduates about 20 students a year instead of the 100 needed by the industry. It makes people really interested in getting into this field.

Other witnesses argued that more taxpayer dollars need to go into life sciences, technology and other areas to advance the commonwealth. Scott Nissenbaum, president of Ben Franklin Technology Partners, urged lawmakers to support the $80 million technology hub proposal.

In crisis situations such as healthcare, life sciences, and precision medicine, the brain drain can be halted. Nissenbaum said Philadelphia can be a region in the same way that Silicon Valley is a region for entrepreneurs. Science fiction collides with real science by Penn, Drexel, and Jefferson.

He claimed the hub would require $5 million in federal funding and $1 million each from Philadelphia and Delaware, which would create 20,000 jobs over five years.

For Pennsylvania to make an impact, investment, incentives and workforce development are needed, and we all need to grow our biotech corridor, says Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center President and CEO CEO Luis Cassa said. Massachusetts, Texas, and New York have invested billions of dollars and offered many incentive programs to attract and retain businesses. It's time for Pennsylvania to capitalize on its life sciences industry.




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