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Vietnam celebrates innovation and excellence with 2024 Sao Khu Awards

Vietnam celebrates innovation and excellence with 2024 Sao Khu Awards


On April 13, 2024, the prestigious Thao Cu Awards Ceremony was held in the vibrant city of Hanoi to commemorate an important milestone in Vietnam's IT and software industry. Organized by the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA), the event was a vibrant showcase of technology achievements with 169 nominations from 117 companies taking home the honor.

Highlighted at the ceremony were three government digital transformation projects, 13 initiatives that enrich the lives and culture of local communities, and 30 consumer products that will revitalize markets. Also highlighted are 28 digital solutions for business transformation, 17 contributions supporting economic sectors and large enterprises, 22 outstanding technology infrastructure platforms, 23 outstanding digital services, and 33 innovative products and projects. We collected.

VINASA Chairman Nguyen Van Core emphasized the importance of digital transformation in the global context, and said Vietnam has the potential to become a leader in the semiconductor industry, benefiting from its strategic geographical location and skilled workforce. He expressed an optimistic view that there is a possibility. He emphasized that digital and green transitions are essential for economic restructuring and transforming growth models.

Now in its 21st year, the Sao Khu Awards not only recognizes excellence but also serves as a major boost for winners by endorsing their products and services in national digital transformation efforts . With a record 340 nominations, the awards attracted a wide range of participants and highlighted the strong and creative spirit of Vietnam's technology entrepreneurs. As digitalization becomes more integral to global and local economies, such awards promote broader national progress, sustainability and environmental awareness in Vietnam's rapidly growing digital environment.

Current market trends:

The Sao Khu Awards highlight recognition of the importance of technological innovation in revitalizing Vietnam's economy. Global markets are currently experiencing rapid digital transformation as businesses and governments move to digital operations to increase efficiency and competitiveness. Vietnam's technology sector is experiencing rapid growth, with a focus on software development, digital services, and the adoption of AI and machine learning. The country is increasingly attracting attention as a hub for technology startups and outsourcing due to its cost-competitive environment and skilled workforce.


Vietnam's ambition to become a leader in the semiconductor industry positions it to take advantage of the growing demand for these critical components used in a wide range of technologies. Analysts predict continued growth in the technology sector, with government efforts to boost innovation and infrastructure investment likely to help Vietnam emerge as a major player in the Asia-Pacific region. By embracing trends such as blockchain, IoT and smart manufacturing, Vietnam is expected to attract significant foreign investment and further develop its technology industry.

Main challenges/controversies:

The journey to digital transformation is not without its challenges. The skills gap in advanced technology fields is a major hurdle. Additionally, we need improved intellectual property laws to protect innovation and stronger cybersecurity measures to protect digital assets. Additionally, the rapid pace of innovation may conflict with regulation, raising potential disputes regarding data privacy, digital surveillance, and the ethical use of technology.

Pros and cons:

Promoting innovation brings many benefits, including increased productivity, the creation of high-value jobs, and the potential to boost exports of high-tech products. You can also strengthen your domestic market through improved services and products.

However, the drawbacks are equally noteworthy. Unequal access to technology risks job losses in traditional sectors, increased e-waste and potential social fragmentation.

To learn more about Vietnam's technology landscape, visit Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA) at VINASA.

In conclusion, the Sao Khu Awards represent Vietnam's commitment to celebrating technological excellence, stimulating industry growth, and setting the stage for its evolution as a leading player in the global technology market. By carefully solving the accompanying challenges, Vietnam's technology sector is poised for an optimistic future.




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