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Turkey does not accept changes to status quo

Turkey does not accept changes to status quo


JAKARTA – President Recep Tayyip Erdoyan hosted the meeting of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh at the Ankara Presidential Complex in the capital Ankara on Wednesday, in a rare meeting.

A written statement from Hamas on Wednesday said President Abbas and Haniyeh agreed to combine “national efforts.”

Husam Badran, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau, said the meeting involved a thorough and honest discussion in preparation for a meeting of the general secretary of future Palestinian factions in Cairo, Egypt.

“During the discussions, the Hamas delegation reaffirmed Hamas' position on the importance of comprehensive resistance as the most effective approach to confronting the Israeli occupation and the challenges facing Palestinian issues,” it said. added Badran.

Meanwhile, President Erdogan pledged to continue supporting the Palestinian cause, expressing concern over the escalation of violence in the West Bank in recent months, following his meeting with Abbas.

Speaking at a joint press conference with President Abbas, President Erdogan reaffirmed Ankara's commitment to the Palestinian struggle and solidarity with Palestine.

President Erdogan further said that Turkey would continue to support all efforts to ensure the safety and security of Palestinians.

He stressed that the only way to achieve a just and permanent solution in the region is through a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

President Erdogan also stressed that the involvement of the international community – particularly the United Nations – in the Palestinian issue is essential to find a solution.

“Turkey cannot accept actions aimed at changing the historical status quo of the holy sites, especially the Al-Aqsa mosques,” President Erdogan said.

He added that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and the 1967 border is essential for regional stability.

Meanwhile, President Abbas said he appreciated Turkey's support for the Palestinian people.

“We would like to thank you, Turkish country, and Turkish people who have supported the Palestinian cause,” he said.

We know that Presidents Abbas and Haniyeh have failed to resolve their differences since 2007, when Hamas, opposed to the peace agreement with Israel, controlled the Gaza Strip. Western-backed Palestinian authorities remain dominant in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, as cited by Reuters.

“Given efforts to restore increasingly broad regional relations and reconciliation between some key players in the region, it means nothing to maintain problematic relations between Palestinian factions. Therefore, Turkey, which hosts both sides, is an important event for I also believe that given Turkey's progress in its relations with Egypt and Israel, it will have greater influence on the Palestinian issue. There is no good reason. to maintain problematic relationships,” said Dr. Ali Bakzar, professor of international relations at Qatar University and senior nonresident colleague at Scowcroft’s Middle East Security Initiative and Middle East Program. .

“This demonstrates President Erdogan and Turkey's strong commitment to the Palestinian struggle and the importance of a two-state solution. It also sends a message to Israel that Turkey will not change course in this matter, even if “Turkish-Israeli relations are progressing. This also sends a strong message to regional actors,” he continued.

“It will also strengthen Turkey's position regionally and contribute to Turkey's role in building regional stability and prosperity for the entire region,” he said.

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