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Apply solutions to transform the grain industry

Apply solutions to transform the grain industry


SYDNEY , April 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), in collaboration with Cicada Innovations, proudly launches the Grains Challenge. This vital national initiative aims to mobilize the vast potential of deep technology across a variety of sectors to address the urgent challenges facing the grain industry. As one of the world's leading grain producers, Australia's role is critical not only for its economic impact but also in its efforts to improve agricultural productivity, efficiency and sustainability.

Australia's agri-food industry is an economic juggernaut, valued at $87 billion and known for its high-quality agricultural products and extensive global reach. But beneath the surface of this success story lie significant challenges, from unpredictable weather patterns to the ever-evolving demands of consumers that mean they're ripe for reinvention.

Tim Spencer, Business Development Manager at GRDC, highlights the program’s ambition to drive start-up ideas into viable solutions for grain producers. “We are keen to attract innovative technologies that go beyond the traditional agriculture sector. Entrepreneurs, technology innovators and creative thinkers from all areas of deep technology bring fresh perspectives and novel solutions to the table. ” said Dr. Spencer.

Cicada Innovations is at the forefront of deep technology development in Australia, with a track record of transforming innovative start-ups into major global players. Cicada includes pioneers such as Regrow, Converte, and Platypus Vision in its portfolio to demonstrate the transformative potential of deep technology in agriculture, from nanosensors and earth observation to biotechnology and robotic automation. These technologies are not just an adjunct, they are essential tools to meet net-zero goals, drive plant innovation, and address critical soil and water management issues.

Starting with 'Grains Elevate', led by Cicada's Technical Director Hebbat Manhy, the program will welcome 80 pioneering participants over the next two years. 'Grains Elevate' provides startups with a fast path to market discovery within the grain industry. This initiative is specifically designed for deep tech ventures committed to agricultural innovation, reducing the timeline from ideation to market entry.

Attendees will have direct access to bespoke industry insights, an extensive and influential network, and strategic planning tools. These assets have been carefully selected to improve and accelerate the implementation of solutions that precisely meet the complex needs of Australia's grain sector. “Our program puts participants in an advantageous position, providing them with the insights and connections they need to quickly and effectively navigate the world of agritech,” explains Hevey Manhee.

The most promising projects will progress to the “Grains Fast Start” strategic coaching program where they will receive specialized support to achieve commercial realization. Munhee encourages innovators from all backgrounds to apply, especially those who have expertise in other sectors but are new to agtech. “This is a great opportunity for deep tech entrepreneurs to explore the agriculture sector and apply their technology to solve complex challenges faced by grain producers,” she added.

This partnership not only aims to empower the grain industry with innovative technology, but also highlights Cicada Innovations' dedication to advancing sustainable agriculture advances through deep technology collaborations. .

To learn more about this unique opportunity and to express your interest, please visit the Cicada Innovations website.

Cicada Innovations ( is Australia's leading deep technology incubator, founded in Sydney, with a 24-year track record of developing deep technology ventures that address some of the world's most pressing problems. Cicada's national incubator, commercialization training, and community brings together entrepreneurs, scientists, business leaders, and policy makers to transform complex challenges like the future of human health, food security, and the climate crisis into deep technology solutions. will solve it. Cicada delivered his unprecedented $1.3 billion exit from six deep tech ventures, and over 400 companies have helped him raise more than $2.5 billion. Selected as “Top Incubator in the World” by the International Business Innovation Association.

Grains Research Development Corporation ( is responsible for planning, investing and overseeing the research, development and extension (RD&E) of 25 taxable grain crops. GRDC invests in RD&E projects to deliver new and improved varieties, agricultural practices, technology and capabilities to the Australian grains industry. GRDC's main objective is to drive the discovery, development and delivery of world-class innovation to improve the productivity, profitability and sustainability of Australian grain producers, benefiting the industry and wider community. That's it.

View original content to download multimedia:–cicada-innovations-in-national-call-for-deep-tech -innovators-apply-your-solutions- to-transform-the-grans-industry-302116158.html

Source Cicada Innovations




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