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Evolving IP: The crossroads of innovation

Evolving IP: The crossroads of innovation


In episode 2 of the Evolving IP podcast from LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions, host Nigel Swycher speaks with Olivia Koentjoro, Head of Global Legal Data Analytics at Applied Materials.

Koentjoros' discussion spans the challenges and opportunities inherent in effectively leveraging IP data. She argues that analytics can transform this data, turning it into a powerful force that highlights the strength of a company's innovation.

The strategic deployment of IP data is undergoing a transformation within the industry, a concept that Koenjoro passionately champions, emphasizing its transformative ability when leveraged skillfully. Joined by host Francesca Louvoir (Head of Brand Strategy and Solutions Marketing) and expert Nigel Swisher (CEO of LexisNexis Cipher), Koenjolo will discuss data analysis, communication strategy, innovation diversity, and business assets. Touches on topics ranging from the essential role of IP as a

Raw data without context holds minimal value. It is the application of analytics that propels IP data into the engine of innovation. Levoir and Swycher emphasize the need to target metrics and refine analytical techniques to unearth actionable insights.

Effective communication is a key tool for overcoming hurdles and unlocking the potential of IP data. Koenjolo explains how educating stakeholders facilitates an enlightened decision-making process.

Later in the episode, Koenjoro advocates for diversity by prioritizing competence over confidence in order to remove barriers and foster paths to innovation and expansion.

Koenjoro explains: [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] It's a journey. And that work is continuously in progress. [We] We need to understand that each region and demographic has unique challenges, and one global strategy will not work for all.

As the discussion turns to AI, Mr. Switcher emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between artificial intelligence and human expertise, offering guidance for navigating complexity with foresight and insight.

At the end of the podcast, Koentjoro and Swycher summarized their insights, highlighting the pivotal role of IP as a business asset and the potential of storytelling in shaping strategic direction. They reiterate the importance of embedding IP data within broader business imperatives and leveraging innovative analytics to drive growth and resilience.

Koentjoros' key point is that “IP is a business tool.” She continues: “The challenge is how to deliver value and commercial intelligence in a way that resonates with the business and enhances the decision-making process.”

Innovation Crossroads helps illuminate the paths where the strategic use of IP data intersects with effective communication, diversity, and technological advancement.

Listeners will glean invaluable advice for organizations as they navigate a landscape ripe for change.

Marco Richter Marco Richter is Global Customer Success Officer and Managing Director of LexisNexis PatentSight, a subsidiary of LexisNexis Intellectual Property. Marco joined PatentSight over 10 years ago. […see more]




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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