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Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold could be the new name for Pixel Fold 2 (Exclusive)

Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold could be the new name for Pixel Fold 2 (Exclusive)


Google has so far introduced just two phones in its flagship phone lineup. This has been the case since his original Pixel in 2016, but we've known for a while that things are about to change with the introduction of smaller Pro devices in the upcoming Pixel 9 lineup.

But thanks to a Google insider, Android Authority has learned that a fourth Pixel 9 device could arrive this fall in a way we didn't expect. It looks like Google's next foldable smartphone will also be joining the lineup.

4th Pixel 9

According to information obtained by Android Authority, Google has adjusted the naming scheme for Pixel devices in late 2024.

Pixel 9 codename tokay Pixel 9 Pro codename caiman Pixel 9 Pro XL codename komodo Pixel 9 Pro Fold codename Comet

These names are also seen in some of the software built for Google 2024 devices.

It's worth mentioning that until a relatively recent point in its development, Google referred to the device's codename Comet as the Pixel Fold 2. There's a good chance that the Pixel 9 Pro Fold's name isn't final either. However, this is what Google currently uses.

Is renaming the Pixel 9 Pro Fold a good choice for Google?

461 votes

Yes, this brings Google phones closer together


No, it makes the Pixel lineup even more confusing


Will Google treat Pixel 9 Pro Fold as an official flagship?

Chris Carlon / Android Authority

If Google follows suit and releases a next-generation foldable device as a full-fledged member of the Pixel 9 series, it will mark a complete 180 from the first-generation Pixel Fold.

The first Pixel Fold (2023) was a disappointing device. It was announced at Google I/O on May 10, 2023, so Google internally called it a mid-year device. Perhaps this was the first sign that Google wasn't treating the Fold as a proper flagship release, as it arguably should have, given its staggering $1,799 price tag. Google typically releases his Pixel products in two major events each year. One is the fall event, which features his flagship Pixel smartphones, and the other is Google I/O in the spring, which usually features less prominent devices such as his Pixel A series.

The Pixel Fold felt like a late spin-off of the Pixel 7. That's fine for something like the Pixel 7a, but unacceptable for an $1,800 flagship.

The Pixel Fold shipped to customers in late June, more than two months after it was first announced. The buyer received a 9-month old Tensor G2 processor at the launch price. It was only a slight improvement from the original Tensor, and the Android version only had updates for three years. But perhaps most disappointing of all is the fact that three months later, in October 2023, Google announced the Pixel 8 series. Not only was it equipped with a much-improved SoC Tensor G3, but it also boasted seven years of Android version updates. We've also introduced some unique software features, including support for Gemini Nano LLM with features like summarization in the Magic Editor and Recorder apps.

Ryan Haynes / Android Authority

If Google decides to use the new name, it means it wants to integrate the next Fold even more tightly into its flagship tier, rather than leaving it as a separate niche and expensive device that felt like a bit of an afterthought. Compare it to other devices in Google's lineup.

We've already seen one way Google is doing just this. As previously revealed by Android Authority, the second-generation Pixel Fold will skip Tensor G3 and use the new Tensor G4 chip instead. This alone solves one of the major problems with the original Pixel Fold. Additionally, leaked renders show that the Pixel 9 Pro Fold's design is closer to that of other Pixel 9 devices, unlike the original Pixel Fold, which looked more like the Pixel 7 than the Pixel 8.

Interestingly, such a move would also make Google the only manufacturer to integrate its foldable devices into its primary device family. Other brands have completely different lineups of foldable smartphones, such as the Samsung Galaxy Z and the Motorolas Razr. It shows Google's dedication by making foldable an option when you buy its flagship Pixel, rather than a separate choice that feels like a separate device.

The next Pixel Fold has a lot to prove

It's interesting to see a move like this after Google treated the original Pixel Fold like a second-rate flagship. If Google decides to move forward with this different name and approach, we'll certainly keep an eye on the phone to see if it really lives up to its new name. We'll also have to wait and see if this means a date change and if this phone will debut alongside the rest of the Pixel 9 series in October instead of Google I/O in May.





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