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Will anyone other than the tech giants be able to build the next big thing? – 6 colors

Will anyone other than the tech giants be able to build the next big thing? – 6 colors


Humane love pin. (Photo: Humanitarian)

I'm not bullish on the Humane Ai Pin, a clip-on device whose first review arrived this week with Knives Out. This feels like a 2026 commodity product that escaped the basic hardware conduit for soon-to-be-ubiquitous cloud AI models years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if it has most of the features on my Apple Watch later this year.

What excites me about Ai Pin is that it represents the future of computing: the complete removal of many tedious tasks from our lives. Computers have already dramatically reduced the amount of tedious work. they're really good at it. That's basically what they do best, but by eliminating all the analog drudgery, they've managed to create a smaller, but still significant amount of digital drudgery. AI constructs have the potential to alleviate this problem by being able to perform tasks in seconds based on a single command that would take him a minute with a swipe or tap.

But the more I think about Aipin, the sadder I become. It's not for the reason you think. (If we were to play a word association game and you prompted me with an AI, my reaction would be exaggerated, but it would still change the world.) No, I'm sorry about the Ai pin. . Because Ai Pin is a similar AI hardware product Rabbit R1shows. How potential innovation is inhibited by the presence of very powerful technology companies, especially the Android and iPhone duopoly.

I'm looking forward to Apple's new AI efforts. It will likely be announced at a developer conference this summer and will be available to everyone in the fall. I sincerely hope that my cellular Apple Watch will have functionality similar to the Humane Ai Pin in the near future. Will it be the case with my iPhone, iPad, Mac, Vision Pro, and maybe even my Apple TV? It will be everywhere.

The thing is, I'm ignoring the Ai Pin and looking forward to the Apple Watch, especially since Apple dominates that platform. Yes, the company's entire business model is based on the tight integration of hardware and software, which allows devices like the Apple Watch to exist. But the focus on tight integration comes at a price (for everyone but Apple, anyway). No one else can have the access that Apple has.

Humanes Ai Pin has its own mobile phone account and uses its own cloud service. My Apple Watch shares a cellular account with my iPhone and syncs data with the same cloud services used by iPhone apps, Watch apps based on Apple platforms, and other iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps. . This is a big advantage for Apple Watch.

We seem to be at a point where even the most innovative hardware devices can't succeed in a world that doesn't have deep integration with iPhone or Android. (In fact, both should be integrated, especially in the US.) This is why Ai Pin and Rabbit and similar products are not successful. Instead, Apple and Google have integrated everything that Ai Pin does into iOS and Android, making them best-in-class implementations and the only ones for Humane and others who want to create AI-powered hardware dingus. Masu.

This is not to bemoan Humane or its business model. It is a lament for all of us. So many innovative products never get funded or launched because they are at an impossible disadvantage without deep connectivity with smartphones. And if one of those products is somehow successful, what are the chances that it will survive and not just be acquired by Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook? , what are the chances that you'll build a me-too product that's much more capable because you're able to tie it more tightly to the ecosystem you control?

I'm not making a legal argument here. (This is a good thing, since I'm not a lawyer.) What I've observed is that smartphones have become so central to our lives that if products can't provide a deep connection with them, we're stuck. That's it. Granted, Humane could have done a better job of integrating with mobile phones than their overall vision as a replacement to liberate users from their most successful technology product of all time, but the integration they've built We expect that the results will be largely unsatisfactory. They can't play that game because they don't own a cell phone.

That's what bothers me about the situation we're in right now. I really love my iPhone. And I appreciate the tight integration of Apple's hardware with other products, so I own a ton of Apple hardware. But it feels increasingly unlikely that we'll see any kind of innovative hardware from anyone other than Apple or the big Android hardware partners, if not Google itself.

If the world's tech giants get so big and powerful that no one else can even get their hands on the table stakes, we all lose. And that stupid humanitarian pin only serves as a reminder of that.

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