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Sennheiser Momentum Sports Review | CNN Underlined

Sennheiser Momentum Sports Review | CNN Underlined


Hybrid wearables are nothing new in the audio space. Headphone brands like Amazfit, Jabra, and Soul have developed wireless earbuds that double as activity trackers, but they haven't quite managed to bridge the gap. Sennheiser thinks it's possible. Otherwise, we wouldn't have launched Momentum Sport, the first workout earbuds with fitness monitoring capabilities.

The classic audio staple has partnered with Polar to develop a body temperature sensor and photoplethysmography (PPG) heart rate sensor that outputs data to some of the best workout apps. These earphones are also stacked with high-end features and share similar sound characteristics with the flagship Momentum True Wireless 4, one of his best true wireless earphones for audiophiles.

What's on paper is mostly here to stay, especially the active noise cancellation and audio. Where the Momentum Sport largely stumbles are its two weaknesses: activity tracking and charging, which don't justify its hefty price tag of $330.

Offering superior sound and noise cancellation in a sporty design, Momentum Sport buds optimize workouts with minimal interruptions and allow users to measure their daily activity.

Sennheiser's all-new 10mm TrueResponse transducer delivers rock-solid bass right out of the box. I was able to enjoy a lively and emphasized sound that didn't waver even when I switched genres from contemporary music to traditional music.

Kendrick Lammers' DNA refueled my energy tank before a 5K run. The rumbling 808s created a long reverberation that kept the adrenaline flowing throughout the listen, and the rapper's hard-hitting rhymes were heard prominently over the boomy production. System of a Downs BYOB added some excitement to my workouts with its blistering combination of electrifying drum hits and pounding riffs. Jazz classics like Ahmad Jamal Trio's Dolphin Dance were great for recovery, showing great frequency range and delivering mellow double bass and smooth hi-hats to my ears.

Numerous sound enhancement features are available, including a customizable 5-band EQ with multiple presets, Sound Check to automatically create a sound profile tailored to your hearing, and Sound Zones to fine-tune audio based on location. . My sound check profile emphasized bass and midrange. The Bass Boost toggle in the EQ settings increased the low end, but the effect was too much on some of his EDM and hard rock tracks. Qualcomms aptX Adaptive codec dynamically scales bitrate for improved clarity.

ANC neutralizes incidental sounds very well. When I worked out at the gym, all the heavy machinery and talkative exercisers were always silent. Common household distractions (kitchen appliances, loud TV, etc.) didn't disrupt my concentration, but I could hear my toddler's screams coming from another room. I've worn the buds outdoors several times and most of the time I could hear them mildly. Only the loud sounds of sirens and whistles entered the sound stage. Anti-wind mode has achieved sufficient wind resistance. Transparency mode was useful for increasing situational awareness. Sennheiser's microphone array captures ambient noise and vocals at high levels.

Call quality was equally impressive. The voices were loud and clear on both ends. Ambient noise was clearly audible while chatting outdoors, but clients and friends managed to hear me over the commotion.

I found the Beats Fit Pro and Jabra Elite 8 Active to be great with enhanced features. Momentum Sport is even more capable. Most of Sennheiser's top features are programmed into the buds, along with some special perks. Audio purists can fine-tune what they hear by enabling ANC, aptX Adaptive, EQ, Sound Check/Zone, or Transparency mode. There are dedicated tiles that display body temperature and heart rate. Controls can be assigned and customized on the home page.[設定]The page hides other features, including two battery-saving modes, wear detection, and an auto-call feature that accepts calls when you remove the earbuds from the case.

Outside of the app, you'll find premium wireless features like Bluetooth 5.2 and multipoint technology that pairs your buds with two devices at the same time. The connection is stable during calls and music streaming. Range extends to 60 feet.

stylish and sporty

Sennheiser did the standing job of building the Momentum Sport, at least in the buds. It embodies the brand's clean, sophisticated aesthetic while also offering rugged protection. The outer shell is made of durable plastic and has an IP55 rating for dust and water resistance. You won't have to worry about it breaking down or looking old even after months of intense exercise. The oval design is larger than other similarly shaped rivals, but it's not unwieldy. Multiple sizes of fins and tips are bundled to properly fit different ear shapes, and the app has a fit test to determine the best fit and seal option.

The charging case is compact, lightweight, slim and easy to carry. IP54 certification ensures dustproof and waterproof properties. There is a flap on the front that covers the USB-C port. However, there are some design issues (more on this later).

The Momentum Sport is rated to last 6 hours on a single charge. This is the industry standard for most noise canceling earphones. When you factor in ANC, fitness tracking, multi-point, and sound zones, your playing time will be significantly reduced. Turning on Battery Eco and Battery-Protect didn't save much battery. I used it for about 4.5 hours before charging it. The wireless charging case lasts up to 24 hours. 10 minutes of fast charging gives you 1 hour of music playback (when ANC is on).

Meanwhile, the Elite 8 Active and Fit Pro offer hours of longer playtime, stronger charging, and better battery management.

These earbuds are not a replacement for the Apple Watch or the best fitness trackers due to inaccurate heart rate monitoring. We compared heart rate (BPM) in the Sennheiser Smart Control app to heart rate recorded on the treadmill and found that the latter provided a more accurate reading. On the plus side, my temperature was usually accurate.

It's great that Polar has opened up their ecosystem to support Momentum Sport. Unfortunately, unless you download the Polar Flow app and own a Polar wearable, your brand experience is muted. Momentum Sport users can only read and save body temperature and heart rate measurements in the Polar Flow app.

The lid will ruin the charging case. It flaps around and the magnetic clasp is weak. I tested lockability by dropping the case on various surfaces and the buds fell off multiple times. What's worse is that the included strap is scratchy and easily snaps if you pull it too hard.

Sennheiser Momentum Sport's great sound, excellent noise cancellation and great fit make it the ideal workout partner in any environment. Personalized features like Bass Boost and Transparent Mode facilitate intense workouts.

I applaud Sennheiser for trying something new with its fitness tracking efforts, but the feature isn't as reliable as advanced wearables. Even more concerning is the short battery life and unsafe charging case, which hurts its affordability. Again, $330 is way too much for athletic wear.

If you're a brand enthusiast looking for signature sound in a Sennheiser package, the Momentum Sport will meet your audio and exercise needs. You just have to accept their obvious shortcomings.




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