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Space Bioscience Tri-Valley Innovation Fair 2024

Space Bioscience Tri-Valley Innovation Fair 2024


For the third year in a row, six members of the Ames Astrobiology Department and one member of the Space Sciences Department proudly attended the 6th Annual Tri-Valley Innovation Fair held in Pleasanton, California on Saturday, April 13, 2024. I brought it with me. The fair was a great success and provided an excellent platform to showcase his NASA contributions to innovation and scientific exploration.

The NASA booth featured fascinating exhibits by the Astrobiology and Astrobiology Sciences groups, captivating visitors with cutting-edge research and discoveries. Sigrid Reinsch (SCR) coordinated her SC Divisions booth to include activities and exhibits related to astrobiology model organisms. The Astrobiology Group focuses on model organisms (Drosophila, C. elegans, Arabidopsis, yeast, tardigrades, microorganisms, and mice), research on the International Space Station (ISS), the effects of spaceflight on bones and muscles, BioSentinel, GeneLab, and educational programs. Such.

The Astrobiology Group exhibited a diverse collection of rocks that have critical implications for life and demonstrated the critical impact of geological interactions on the development and maintenance of living organisms. Interactive elements such as a cutout of the astronaut and a demonstration of his IR camera added excitement and charm to the booth. Attendees were informed about the NASA STEM program, VIPER, and other ongoing missions, and opportunities for education and participation in space exploration were highlighted.

The event attracted a lot of attention and attracted notable participants, including city officials such as the mayors of Livermore and Pleasanton, the director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and approximately 4,000 Tri-Valley area residents.

Our participation in the 6th Annual Tri-Valley Innovation Fair helped advance NASA's mission, foster community engagement, and inspire the next generation of innovators and scientists. We look forward to continuing our involvement in future events and further deepening our impact in the fields of space exploration and biological sciences.

ARC participants (from left): Egle Cekanaviciute, Parag Vaishampayan, Tara Samuels. Not painted. April Lonca, Christina Lim, Walter Alvarado, Sanjoy Som, Jonas Dino.




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