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Anti-Israel Google employee arrested after occupying CEO office with demands against apartheid state

Anti-Israel Google employee arrested after occupying CEO office with demands against apartheid state


A Google employee who made anti-Israel demands to end business with Israel's apartheid government and military was arrested Tuesday after occupying Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian's California office. The workers occupied the location for more than eight hours, broadcasting a pro-Palestinian protest on a Twitch livestream, and were filmed eventually being arrested.

A Google employee has been arrested from Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian's California office.

The notech4apartheid video shows the man telling the employee he has been placed on administrative leave before asking him to voluntarily resign. The protesters refused, leading to their arrest by police.

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The peaceful protesters approached by this man were hinted that it was too late and they should cooperate accordingly. You are on administrative leave and would like to see if you would like to take it voluntarily. [leave] It's been a while, he said.

When the employees did not comply, he threatened to bring in law enforcement. The protesters acknowledged his statement, and shortly afterward police burst in and took them away. At this point, the livestream also ended abruptly.

If you look closely, the clip focuses on a banner that reads “DROP NIMBUS” posted at the entrance to the room. The Daily Wire reported that these protests were organized internally through email exchanges between employees and highlighted a series of demands. The most important demand was for Google to sever ties with Israel by canceling its $1.2 billion contract for Project Numbus, the Israeli government's cloud computing project.

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Demands of anti-Israel demonstrators

Employees have filed a lawsuit demanding that Google cut off its business ties to Israel's apartheid government and military and end its harassment, intimidation, bullying and silencing of Palestinian and Muslim workers. They also urged the organization to focus on the health and safety crisis that has caused concern for all employees who cannot tolerate their hours and hard work being used to enable genocide.

On April 16, Google employees led a National Day rally to demand that the company stop supplying electricity to Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

In a letter to the Google Cloud CEO, the workers wrote: By choosing to offer our powerful cloud computing and AI technology to the Israeli government and military, we It has continued to enable Israel's apartheid state in Palestine and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

They also stressed that they would sit in Kurian's office until their demands were met. The No Tech for Apartheid website reported that employees showed up in solidarity at Google offices in New York City, Sunnyvale, California, and Seattle.




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