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NavalX PNW Tech Bridge partners with Vibe Coworks to drive regional innovation

NavalX PNW Tech Bridge partners with Vibe Coworks to drive regional innovation


This partnership creates an accessible pathway between naval engineers and Kitsaps' growing startup ecosystem.

KEYPORT, Wash., April 17, 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today, NavalX Pacific NW Tech Bridge and Vibe Coworks, through an agreement with Impact, announced the announced a formal partnership to strengthen collaboration between Washington.

This unique partnership effectively integrates the resources of the NavalX Pacific Northwest Tech Bridge into the local startup ecosystem located at Vibe Coworks, supporting startups, scale-ups, small and medium-sized businesses, academic institutions, local governments, and other non-traditional startups. Expanding opportunities for innovators to collaborate with the Department of the Navy. simply. The Pacific Northwest program is dedicated to integrating operational support and innovation related to underwater autonomous systems, robotics, and data analytics.

“Keyport's Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division's Naval Research Laboratory has a proud and storied tradition of leading technology extension efforts throughout the Pacific Northwest, which is exactly why in 2019 Keyport launched the nation's first NavalX Tech Bridge. That's why we were chosen as one of our locations,” said Johannes Schonberg, Director of NavalX Northwest Tech Bridge.

“Partnering with the Vibe Coworks Matchstick Lab initiative represents another milestone in regional innovation. By bringing together our network and expertise, local innovators can create scalable solutions for real-time naval challenges. We aim to provide a successful solution.”

Introduced by Vibe Coworks in 2023, Matchstick Lab provides programming, partnerships, and support resources to help startups, scale-ups, and social enterprises in the West Sound region realize their full potential.

As part of this effort, Vibe Coworks will specifically support the NavalX Pacific Northwest Tech Bridge in the following areas:

Expanding advisory services to the Pacific Northwest ecosystem.

We have a rich lineup of webinars and pitch events.

Partner with the Washington APEX Accelerator to increase the number of government contracts awarded to Washington-based companies.and

Facilitate access to flexible workspaces, meeting spaces, and event venues for cross-disciplinary collaboration between the U.S. Navy and private sector innovators.

Alanna Imbach, CEO of Vibe Coworks, expressed her enthusiasm for the partnership, saying:

“Vibe Coworks has long welcomed Naval Base Kitsap teams for training, conferences, and special events. We are deepening our relationship with the NavalX Pacific Northwest Tech Bridge and creating an important connection between naval engineers and Kitsap’s local innovation ecosystem. We're excited to foster this connection.”

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A total of 18 NavalX Tech Bridges are embedded in local startup and scale-up ecosystems across the U.S. to discover relevant technologies, adapt them to Navy needs, and address specific challenges facing Navy leaders. We provide non-traditional businesses with resources to address and break down barriers to work. Together with the Department of the Navy. By operating directly in off-base communities, Tech Bridges builds connections with industry, academia, and local government, leading to richer regional innovation.

About NAVALX Pacific NW Tech Bridge

The NavalX Pacific NW Tech Bridge serves as a technology reconnaissance, local networking hub and connection point to Keyport's Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division's Naval Research Laboratory, leading technology dissemination efforts throughout the PNW region. Established in 2019 as one of the first NavalX Tech Bridges in the country, PNW Tech Bridge now has 18 teams across the country supporting startups, scale-ups, small businesses, academic institutions, local governments, and other non-traditional enterprises. It is part of the NavalX Tech Bridge network. Innovators understand the Navy's needs and break down barriers to collaboration with the Department of the Navy. For more information, visit Also, follow us on LinkedIn.

About Vibe Coworks

Vibe Coworks is a shared workspace and coworking community that powers innovation through human connections. We bring great ideas, the people who dream them, and the people who dream them to reality by providing world-class workspace, community, and programming to start-ups, scale-ups, businesses, nonprofits, and public organizations in non-metropolitan areas. Maximize your team's potential. . Today, Vibe Coworks is home to more than 200 local businesses and remote workers, earned the honor of being named 2022 Business of the Year by the Greater Kitsap Chamber, and is Greater Kitsap's source of entrepreneurial connection and inspiration. It is widely recognized as a central location. For more information, please visit Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.

About Matchstick Lab

Matchstick Lab is a new initiative from Vibe Coworks that brings together programming, partnerships, and support to help startups, scaleups, and social enterprises in Kitsap and beyond reach their full potential through the power of community, talent, and capital. Provides a specific collection of resources. For more information, visit

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contact address

Jaime Quick, ChangeUp Advisor at Vibe Coworks 206-229-5183, [email protected]




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