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Michigan Technological University unveils H-STEM complex to foster innovation and collaboration

Michigan Technological University unveils H-STEM complex to foster innovation and collaboration


Michigan Technological University's H-STEM Complex, a new state-of-the-art facility built to advance interdisciplinary research and education in health-related STEM fields, opened in March.

After more than five years of planning and two years of construction, Michigan Technological University has announced the completion of the H-STEM Engineering and Health Technology Complex (H-STEM Complex). The state-of-the-art facility officially opened to the public on March 11, and is the most significant reflection to date of the university's commitment to advancing interdisciplinary health-related research and education.

Innovation thrives at Michigan Technological University. The H-STEM complex includes state-of-the-art laboratory and classroom space that furthers the university's efforts to advance technology research and education with a focus on health.

The opening of the new H-STEM complex heralds a new era of health care innovation at Michigan Technological University, said Rick Kobeck, president of Michigan Technological University. Combining state-of-the-art laboratory space, faculty expertise and innovative partnerships, his H-STEM complex is more than just a building, it will develop advanced technologies to improve the health of people in Michigan and beyond. This is a hub for

The H-STEM complex is designed to foster collaborative research and integrated education programs focused on health-related and human-centered innovations and will house interdisciplinary, practical, student-led research. With a STEM-focused approach, the complex supports industry-relevant education and research programs in health and human-centered engineering, advancing Michigan Technological University's position as a leader in technology and innovation.

Located in the heart of campus, the H-STEM Complex reflects Michigan Technological University's dedication to leading technological advancements with a focus on healthcare. Its strategic location emphasizes the university's commitment to shaping the future of innovation and research.

Spanning approximately 63,000 square feet, the H-STEM complex combines new shared flexible laboratory space with renovated classroom and learning environments within the existing Chemical Science and Engineering building. Located in the heart of campus, the complex includes multiple conference rooms, offices for 34 faculty, work space for 84 graduate students, and three teaching laboratories. The building will have advanced features such as occupancy sensors integrated into the lighting, air conditioning system, and ventilation hood exhaust for energy efficiency, and will be LEED Gold certified for sustainability. Additionally, his top-of-the-line HVAC energy recovery units utilize the hot and cold air exiting the building to help heat and cool the incoming air.

Having H-STEM at the heart of campus is a physical reminder that Michigan Technological University has a strong presence in health engineering and science, said Dr. said Caryn Heldt, professor and James and Lorna Mack Endowed Chair. Major in Cell and Molecular Bioengineering. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding at Michigan Technological University has tripled over the past decade. I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of collaborations and research will increase with the establishment of a centralized base for health-related research on campus.

Mr. Herdt also emphasized the importance of the complex regarding the future of the university.

“Our goal is to develop cutting-edge health technologies that save lives. In the process, we will support the next generation of entrepreneurs, Educating Scientists and Engineers” by Caryn Heldt, Health Research Institute Director.

As a research institution, Michigan Technological University is on track to achieve R1 status by 2025 and continues to enhance its research activities, educational programs, and community engagement. The H-STEM complex is part of the university's comprehensive campus master plan, with the goal of growing enrollment at a steady and measured pace, attracting top faculty, and achieving a $300 million endowment. is outlined. Notably, his MTU for her three recent incoming classes is his largest since the early 1980s, reflecting a clear trend in enrollment growth.

Stephen Elmer, interim dean of the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, highlighted the H-STEM complex's potential to enhance innovation and foster collaboration at Michigan Technological University. He said the H-STEM complex provides the robust infrastructure needed to position the department among nationally ranked kinesiology programs. Specifically, it will help increase the department's research spending and the number of doctoral degrees awarded, both of which are critical to Michigan Tech's transition to an R1 university by 2025.

A wealth of study spaces within the H-STEM complex provide students with an ideal environment for focused learning and collaboration.

Among the new programs added at Michigan Tech is the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, demonstrating Michigan Tech's dedication to meeting the region's evolving educational needs. Michigan Technological University values ​​the role our work plays in supporting our local communities, said Andrew Storer, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. The opening of the H-STEM complex and nursing program will increase opportunities for the university to positively impact community partners through strengthening research capacity and education in the field of human health.

Founded in 1885 in Houghton, Michigan, Michigan Technological University is a public research university with more than 7,000 students from 55 countries around the world. Consistently ranked among the nation's best universities for return on investment, Michigan's flagship polytechnic offers 120 schools in science, technology, engineering, computing, forestry, business and economics, health professions, humanities, mathematics, and social studies. We offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs such as: science and art. This rural campus is located just a few miles from Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor adventures year-round.




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