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Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Sequel Faced Major Character Return Problem

Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Sequel Faced Major Character Return Problem



  • Quentin Tarantino has abandoned The Movie Critic, which was supposed to be his 10th and final film as director.
  • Brad Pitt reprising his role as Cliff Booth in The Movie Critic has made Tarantino's latest film, now abandoned, a sequel of sorts to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which would have suffered without the return of Leonardo DiCaprio as Rick Dalton .
  • The chances of Leonardo DiCaprio returning as Rick Dalton in The Movie Critic were very low given his reluctance to star in sequels.

Before being abandoned, Quentin Tarantino's film Once upon a time in Hollywood following, The film critic, was already condemned. Set in Los Angeles in 1977, Tarantino's film The film critic was going to be based on a real movie critic who wrote reviews for a porn magazine. Although Tom Cruise was rumored to play the lead role, the only actor confirmed to be cast The film critic was Brad Pittwho was to reprise his role as Cliff Booth in Tarantino's latest film, Once upon a time in Hollywood.

The film critic was to be Tarantino's 10th and final film as director, a deliberate decision on his part to preserve your heritage And go out at the top” (via THR). However, Tarantino canceled The film critic and decided to start from scratch for his latest film. Besides Pitt as Cliff Booth, Tarantino reportedly plans to bring back other characters from past films for his latest film. Given that it was announced as a Once upon a time in Hollywood following all sorts, The film critic would have suffered unless Tarantino brought back a character from which the actor would probably not return.

Feature films directed by Quentin Tarantino


Movie title

Rotten Tomatoes Review Score

Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score


Reservoir dogs (1992)




pulp Fiction (1994)




Jackie Brown (1997)




Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)

Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)






Proof of death (2007)




Inglourious Basterds (2008)




Django Unchained (2012)




The Hateful Eight (2015)




Once upon a time in Hollywood (2019)




Quentin Tarantino Movies Ranked, Worst to Best

From Reservoir Dogs to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, ranking Quentin Tarantino's films requires a deep dive into his impressive filmography.

Once upon a time in the Hollywood sequel, Leonardo DiCaprio should have returned

Leonardo DiCaprio played fictional movie star Rick Dalton in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Since Pitt was about to resume his Once upon a time in Hollywood role of stuntman Cliff Booth in The film critic, it would have been a big mistake for Leonardo DiCaprio not to join him as fictional movie star Rick Dalton. Set at the end of Hollywood's golden age in 1969, OUATIH is set during a time when Rick's acting career and Cliff's stunt career are both floundering as they try to adapt to the rapidly changing landscape of the film industry.

Brad Pitt won his first Oscar for his portrayal of Cliff Booth in
Once upon a time in Hollywood.

Once upon a time in HollywoodThe ending saw Rick and Cliff escape death at the hands of the Manson Family, leaving them both alive and well enough to return for a sequel set eight years later in the same location. Considering Cliff was not only Rick's stunt double, but also his personal assistant and driver, it would have been difficult to imagine that the story of Cliff Booth would continue in such a way OUATIH sequel without the presence of Rick Dalton. DiCaprio's absence would have been too obvious The film critic had he not returned, which would have put a damper on Tarantino's last chapter.


10 Movies That Could Be Quentin Tarantino's Last Film After Film Critic Cancellation

The Movie Critic is no longer Quentin Tarantino's final film, and here are 10 other films that could return as the director's 10th film.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Hesitation About Sequel Makes Tarantino Better Ditch Film Critic

DiCaprio has never starred in a sequel

Leonardo DiCaprio as Rick talking to Cliff in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

The film critic would have been incomplete as OUATIH sequel without DiCaprio, so it's probably for the best that Tarantino abandoned it given the very low chances of DiCaprio's return like Rick Dalton. DiCaprio is well known for his aversion to the idea of ​​making sequels. DiCaprio has never reprized a role for a sequel to a film he previously starred in throughout his 33-year acting career. He might have made an exception for Tarantino's latest film, but given his track record, that remained highly unlikely.

Leonardo DiCaprio made his acting debut in
Creatures 3,
but he did not appear in any other episodes.

He acknowledges that “some of the biggest films in the world” are sequels, like The Godfather Part II, and he's not opposed to starring in a film that's part of a franchise, but the idea of ​​returning for a sequel doesn't does not attract him. .

DiCaprio certainly isn't the only actor to never make a sequel, but he's still a notable actor nonetheless. conviction to hold, especially given the current state of the film industry. In 2015, DiCaprio said Variety why he never felt obligated to star in a sequel, explaining that he recognizes “some of the world's greatest films” are sequences, like The Godfather II, and he's not opposed to starring in a film that's part of a franchise, but the idea of ​​returning for a sequel doesn't appeal to him.


Quentin Tarantino's Abandoned New Movie Proves He Must Break the 10 Movie Rule

Tarantino canceled his 10th and final film, originally intended to be The Movie Critic, proving that the director must break his self-imposed rule.

For me, every film I have made is an individual work of art,“DiCaprio explained.”You read a script, it has a beginning and an end. It's hard to imagine this being resurrected again.“Depending on the script Tarantino completed for his Once upon a time in Hollywood sequel involved, maybe DiCaprio would have changed his mind. However, now that The film critic is dead, fans don't need to rely on DiCaprio to bend his unofficial rules to keep Tarantino's latest film from suffering.

Source: THR, Variety

Once upon a time in Hollywood

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, set in Los Angeles in 1969, at the height of hippie Hollywood. The two main characters are Rick Dalton, the former star of a western television series, and his longtime stunt double, Cliff Booth. Both struggle to succeed in a Hollywood they no longer recognize, but Rick soon realizes that he is the next door neighbor of the infamous Sharon Tate.

Release date
July 26, 2019

Tim Roth, Margot Robbie, Mike Moh, Timothy Olyphant, Al Pacino, Kurt Russell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dakota Fanning, James Marsden, Brad Pitt, Luke Perry, Bruce Dern, Scoot McNairy, Michael Madsen, Margaret Qualley, Emile Hirsch

159 minutes




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