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House Speaker Johnson Moves Forward With Foreign Aid Bill Despite OppositionExBulletin

House Speaker Johnson Moves Forward With Foreign Aid Bill Despite OppositionExBulletin


House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., speaks during a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony on April 10.

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

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Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., speaks during a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony on April 10.

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

House Speaker Mike Johnson is moving ahead with a plan to vote on separate bills to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel and US allies in the Indo-Pacific, despite growing criticism from within his own conference. and the imminent threat of being ousted from his post.

President Biden said he strongly supports the package of aid bills and urged the House to pass the package this week.

The plan is to introduce three individual foreign aid bills; a fourth bill imposing sanctions on Russia, China and Iran; and a fifth bill that includes border security measures, Johnson said in a message to House Republicans on Wednesday. Invoice text for foreign aid invoices was posted on Wednesday afternoon.

The addition of a border security bill comes after a number of House Republicans criticized Johnson for abandoning earlier demands to tie Ukraine funds to border provisions. A Senate-passed package that included foreign aid without border provisions has failed in the House. But the change may not be enough to placate hard-line conservatives, who quickly came out against the plan.

The four bills related to foreign threats are being reviewed under a procedural “rule,” while the border bill will be reviewed under it. Rep. Ralph Norman, a member of the conservative House Freedom and Rules Committee, said the deal would mean the cap law was “set up to fail.”

“With the Ukrainian funding there, then there's a hit,” said Norman, RS.C. “The thing [Democrats] the desire is Ukraine”.

Norman suggested he would oppose the larger package rule if it did not include the border security bill. Republican Reps. Chip Roy of Texas and Thomas Massie of Kentucky also sit on the Rules Committee and have spoken out against the plan. The three met with Mayor Johnson on Wednesday to discuss their concerns.

Three “No” Republicans on the committee could defeat the motion before it reaches the floor. On the floor, Johnson has almost no room to move within his thin bulk.

Roy, who opposes funding Ukraine, said he would vote against the rule because the border “vote” on this package is a dangerously diluted cover vote,” he. wrote on social networks.

Typically, the minority does not cast votes to pass rules on the floor. Speaking to reporters Wednesday morning, Democratic House Whip Katherine Clark on Wednesday did not rule out the possibility that Democrats would support the rule in this case, but said her group needs to see the substance of the legislation first.

“They have to show us what they're bringing to the floor before we can say, 'This is how we're going to help you do it,'” Clark said.

Clark said Democrats' preference would be for a single House vote on the foreign aid package that passed the Senate, but that their priority was passing aid to Ukraine. She added that the provision of $9 billion in humanitarian aid to Gaza and other countries included in the Senate bill is a “red line.”




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