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Statement from Google employees participating in the No Tech for Apartheid campaign on Google's mass retaliatory layoffs of employees: | No Tech for Apartheid Campaign | Author April 2024

Statement from Google employees participating in the No Tech for Apartheid campaign on Google's mass retaliatory layoffs of employees: | No Tech for Apartheid Campaign | Author April 2024


This evening, Google indiscriminately fired more than 20 employees, including those who did not directly participate in yesterday's historic 10-hour sit-in protests on both coasts. . This flagrant act of retaliation clearly shows that Google values ​​its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own workers. In his three years of organizing against Project Nimbus, not a single person has yet heard from the executive about our concerns. Google employees have the right to peacefully protest regarding their working conditions. These firings were clearly retaliation.

On the contrary, our bosses called the police about their own workers, the Nimbus Nine, who were arrested and detained last night. Today, they have used their web of internal surveillance to punish all workers who may have been involved in this behavior with mass firings. Google cited bullying and harassment as reasons for firing the employee. Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim colleagues have been victims of bullying and harassment within the company.

Google claims the protesters defaced property and physically interfered with the work of other Google employees. This excuse to avoid directly confronting us and our concerns and to justify illegal retaliatory terminations is a lie. Even the workers who participated in the peaceful sit-in and refused to leave did not damage property or threaten other workers. In return, they received an overwhelmingly positive response and expressions of support.

Google continues to lie to its employees, the media, and the public. Google continues to maintain that, as of today, Project Nimbus is not intended for highly sensitive or classified workloads related to weapons or intelligence, or military workloads. But TIME magazine's report proves otherwise. Google has developed custom tools for the Israeli Ministry of Defense and doubled its contracts with the Israeli occupation forces since the genocide against Palestinians in Gaza began. By continuing to lie, Google is blatantly disrespecting and disrespecting consumers, the media, and most importantly, its employees.

Google claims the protests were primarily attended by people who don't work for the company. This is not only false, it's insulting. Thousands of colleagues have joined our call for the company to cancel Project Nimbus, and dozens have spoken out publicly about how the contract is impacting health and safety on the job. supported the brave workers of Most of all, this is an insult to those of us who were kicked out of the company for voicing concerns about Project Nimbus, and to the well-being of our Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim colleagues who face racism and discrimination by Google. It is something to do. , harassment, censorship.

Sundar Pichai and Thomas Kurian are profiteers of genocide. I wonder how, thanks to their technology, they can sleep at night despite the fact that 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, missing, or injured in Israel's massacres over the past six months. we don't understand.

The truth is clear. Google is afraid of us. They fear that workers will band together to demand accountability and transparency from their bosses. They choose to expose the falsehood of Google's open culture in order to remove the threat. This company is trying to undermine our power and discredit us.

Such mass illegal layoffs cannot stop us. On the contrary, they only serve as further fuel for the growth of this movement.

Don't get me wrong, we will continue to organize until the company cancels Project Nimbus and shuts down the power supply to this genocide.




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