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Vogue Business launches Fashion Futures in Shanghai

Vogue Business launches Fashion Futures in Shanghai


During lunch, guests were invited to immerse themselves in the Fashion Futures exhibition, featuring a selection of booths from startups, entrepreneurs and major brands that each unite technological tools with sustainable solutions. This included sustainable alternatives not only in fashion, but also in interiors, furnishings and other design categories.

Back on stage for the afternoon, the Fashion Futures agenda began with an opening conversation between Yiling Pan, associate editorial director at Business Vogue in China, and Anouck Duranteau-Loeper, CEO of Isabel Marant. During this interview, Pan interviewed Duranteau-Loeper who shared Isabel Marant's slow fashion ambitions and how the focus on quality, durability and versatility leads to the brand's clothing being worn repeatedly throughout their lives. This also allowed the house to take new steps towards circularity and resale. She also described how the company has improved its sourcing principles, including identifying where the best fibers come from and moving manufacturing processes closer to the source: for example, using production facilities in China where l The highest quality silk and cashmere can be found, or producing the finest knitwear in Portugal. This strategy avoids shipping textiles all over the world to be made into clothing, only to then often send them back to be remade.

The first round table, moderated by Business Vogue board leader Anusha Couttigane included Ed Lam, CEO of LFX; Dominique, responsible for sustainable development at Ellassay; Bobby Sims, founder and managing partner of Spheres Ventures; and Ben Demiri, co-founder of PlatformE. Together, they discussed the need to drive investment in sustainable solution providers, both through traditional financing channels and brands. Historically, slow investment has prevented innovative companies from reaching the capacity required by enterprise brands, and many companies often fail before they actually get off the ground. They discussed the growing sophistication of manufacturers, which has allowed brands to streamline their processes, with in-house design talent in factories now able to produce samples and collections in small batches with much more precision and less waste thanks to their better understanding of manufacturing processes. At this point, they highlighted that the power dynamics in the industry are changing, as manufacturers become much more vocal agents of influence than junior partners in the fashion market.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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