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Google is merging its Android software and Pixel hardware divisions to integrate AI more broadly

Google is merging its Android software and Pixel hardware divisions to integrate AI more broadly


SAN FRANCISCO — Google announced Thursday that it is combining its software division, responsible for Android mobile software and the Chrome browser, with its hardware division, known for Pixel smartphones and Fitbit wearables. This is part of a broader plan to integrate artificial intelligence more widely across the company.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a letter to employees that the changes will accelerate the Android and Chrome ecosystems while also fostering innovation.

The decision puts both businesses under the oversight of Google executive Rick Osterloh, who previously oversaw the company's hardware group. Not too long ago, Google was running Android because it didn't want to give its phone designers an unfair advantage over other big smartphone makers like Samsung and Motorola, or Chinese companies like Oppo and Xiaomi. Separated development from the hardware department.

Then, a few years ago, Google started positioning the Pixel as a flagship for demonstrating what AI could do, and began focusing heavily on developing features that could demonstrate that potential. This means further integration of AI hardware and software to power these capabilities on mobile devices.

In an interview with technology publication The Verge, Osterloh said AI is the main reason for bringing together Google's consumer hardware and software engineers. Citing the development of the Pixel camera, he argues that mobile phone technology is already increasingly reliant on AI, especially to enhance nighttime photos and some photos taken in close time. He claimed to use this technology for the ability to automatically select the best one from the list.

Osterloh added that by combining the teams, Google will be able to bring AI into its capabilities even faster. A few years ago, he said that designing the Pixel camera required not only the complex hardware and software involved in his system, but also deep knowledge of his then-early AI model used for image processing. he said in an interview.

This integration of hardware, software, and AI really demonstrated how AI can completely transform the user experience, Osterloh said. That was important. And that's even truer today.

Gartner analyst Chirag Dekate says what Google is trying to do now is make its core AI innovation engine more flexible. Google wants to dominate AI, the pinnacle of the emerging AI economy, on both the consumer and enterprise sides by deploying and connecting AI essentially everywhere.

Meanwhile, Google's head of software, Hiroshi Lockheimer, remains without a title and will begin work on other unnamed projects, according to Pichai's letter. But Lockheimer joined Osterloh in an interview with the Verge, and both men insisted the changes were not the result of a power struggle.

Google is also restructuring its AI research and responsibility group, but these changes are unlikely to directly impact consumer products, at least for now.




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