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Computer chips are a national security issue, but the solution is more than just more chips

Computer chips are a national security issue, but the solution is more than just more chips


As the United States navigates the complexities of a growing trade war with China, Texas has emerged as a pivotal battleground in the war for tech supremacy, redefining the stakes for American innovation, economic security, and geopolitical influence. ing. A strategic shift to ramp up semiconductor manufacturing within U.S. borders, particularly in the Lone Star State, represents more than just an economic boon, it's an important strategy in the chess game with the Chinese government, which is increasing its global technological influence. It is.

Bipartisan support for this effort underscores its importance. With more than $61 billion invested in six locations and expected to create approximately 8,000 permanent jobs, Texas is at the crown jewel of the strategic realignment of the Americas' semiconductor industry. Boosted by a favorable tax system and a business-friendly environment, Texas is securing a future in which the United States will lead in critical technologies powering everything from smartphones to military systems.

Congress passed the America CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, allocating $39 billion for national chip manufacturing and an additional $11 billion for research and development. In June 2023, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the Texas CHIPS Act, establishing his $1.4 billion public investment in the state. Private investment soon followed, with Samsung announcing plans to spend $17 billion on new semiconductor factories in Austin and suburban Dallas, and Texas Instruments planning to spend $30 billion. Texas A&M University recently established the Texas A&M Semiconductor Institute to enhance research and education to address the nation's chip shortage.

Many of these intergenerational investments were led by key leaders of the Texas delegation in Washington, particularly Sen. John Cornyn and Rep. Michael McCaul. Both companies continue to represent the rationale for prioritizing domestic production while also protecting national security in an industry with such global reach.


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However, this golden opportunity is overshadowed by vulnerabilities that could undermine the very objectives it seeks to achieve. The CHIPS Act is a step in the right direction, but it fills holes in U.S. policy that allows Chinese engineers access to open source chip designs even as controls over other intellectual property have been tightened. has not been dealt with. This loophole is not easy. It provides a potential channel for the Chinese government to threaten U.S. national security interests.

RISC-V, an open source chip design architecture, is both a challenge and an opportunity. While its open source nature fosters innovation and collaboration, it also poses significant risks when used by adversaries, especially within their militaries. The use of RISC-V chips by the Chinese military highlights the urgency of addressing this oversight.

Mitigating these risks requires a nuanced approach that maintains the spirit of open source innovation while protecting national security.

A wise first step would be to monitor U.S. companies that help deploy RISC-V technology in China and other adversaries. U.S. courts should also increase disclosure of intellectual property cases involving semiconductor patents to signal to foreign companies that enforcement of property rights is important. And federal and state governments should reduce regulations that hinder growth and innovation so that U.S. companies can better compete with foreign rivals.

Examples include reducing corporate and property taxes, simplifying regulatory compliance, and increasing the Examples include expanding quotas for skilled immigrants.

Moving forward requires more than investment and incentives. This requires vigilance, strategic foresight, and a commitment to protecting the technological pillars on which our future economy and security will be based. Racing is not just about technical superiority. It is about shaping the world order in a way that secures American interests and values ​​in the coming decades.

Texas' rapidly growing role in the semiconductor industry is a testament to American ingenuity and resiliency and the market-oriented economy that Texas rightly protects. However, to capitalize on this momentum, the vulnerabilities inherent in open source technologies such as RISC-V must be addressed. In doing so, we will not only ensure Texas' position as a global technology leader, but also secure America's technology future.

Korok Ray is an associate professor at Texas A&M University's Mays School of Business and founder of the Mays Innovation Research Center.

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