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NAB 2024: A celebration of brilliance and innovation

NAB 2024: A celebration of brilliance and innovation


For those who aren't familiar, the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) show is an annual show that showcases technology that improves creators across content areas. Having just returned from NAB 2024, I can attest to what a whirlwind of inspiration and cutting-edge technology this year's show was.

While on the show floor, I was surrounded by brilliant minds pushing the boundaries of content creation, from Hollywood studios to passionate home creators dreaming of becoming the next industry titan. It was like witnessing the future of filmmaking.

Blackmagic Design stole the show with their amazing cameras, the URSA Cine 12K and PYXIS 6K. Amaran, the new lighting giant for creatives, has announced a user-friendly lighting solution. Maxon also introduced exciting new tools for 3D VFX artists as a testament to its commitment to empowering creators.

NAB 2024: Blackmagic Design updates production playbook

(Image credit: Future)

Blackmagic Design dominated NAB 2024 with a packed booth and an amazing lineup of new cameras. Attendees were amazed by both his affordable PYXIS 6K cinema box camera and the future-proof URSA Cine 12K, perfect for creating cinematic masterpieces. But Blackmagic's innovation didn't stop there.

DaVinci Resolve 19, Blackmagic Design's professional-grade video production software, boasts a major update packed with features that will make creators soar. Powered by the DaVinci Neural Engine, this update includes breakthrough AI tools such as IntelliTrack AI point tracker for perfect stabilization and object tracking. Colorists will love the new ColorSlice grading palette for precise 6-vector corrections. Meanwhile, Film Look Creator helps you achieve that coveted cinematic look.

Editors can leverage the power of AI to perform multi-source edits and even base their edits on transcriptions of source clips. Audio has also been significantly upgraded, adding Fairlight's IntelliTrack for AI-powered audio panning and a new FX suite for music remixing, dialogue separation, and even automatic leveling of background tracks. .

VFX artists will also enjoy multi-poly rotoscoping tools, expanded USD tools, and a treasure trove of other edits and effects. DaVinci Resolve 19 is a game changer and it's clear that Blackmagic Design continues to be at the forefront of content creation.

NAD 2024: DJI provides drones

(Image credit: Future)

DJI definitely killed it on the show floor this year. I spent way too much time at his DJI booth, looking at all the amazing new creator tools being announced. From the incredible Avata 2 FPV drone to the rugged RS 4 gimbal, everything they showed off screams next-level content creation.

Speaking of next level, remember the DJI Mic 2 we reviewed earlier? They also showcased that alongside the amazing Osmo Pocket 3, which shoots buttery smooth 4K at 120 fps. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. There was also an amazing FPV flight experience where participants could try out his Avata 2 using his DJI Goggles 3. Let's talk about immersion.

DJI's booth was a creator's dream come true. From filmmakers to vloggers to adrenaline junkies, there's a tool for everyone. If you want to step up your content game, DJI is definitely the way to go.

NAB 2024: Insta360 changes the focus and landscape

(Image credit: Future)

I stopped by the Insta360 booth at NAB 2024 and was able to get my hands on their brand new flagship camera, the X4. Let me tell you, this can be a big problem. Capture stunning 8K 360° video, so you can choose any angle you like after shooting. It's like a time machine for taking shots, allowing you to point the camera anywhere you want at any time after the fact. Even after reframing everything, the footage remains crisp and clear thanks to the ultra-high resolution.

The X4 is packed with other great features. Shoot in a variety of resolutions and frame rates, including smooth slow motion at 5.7K 60fps, crazy cinematic slow motion at 4K 100fps, and more. It also features Horizon Lock, which keeps your video level no matter what you're doing, and an “invisible selfie stick” effect that makes it look like you're filming with a drone.

But that's not all! The X4 also works as a regular action camera with super smooth 4K recording and a 170° ultra-wide field of view. Built to last, it features a removable lens guard for added protection, an incredibly long battery life of 135 minutes, and is waterproof to a depth of 33 feet (164 feet with the diving case).

Additionally, it features voice and gesture controls for hands-free shooting and super easy AI-powered editing to help you create great videos. And all that for only $499.99? If you're looking for a powerful and versatile 360° camera, look no further than the Insta360 X4.

NAB 2024: Amaran provides lighting solutions for creators

(Image credit: Future)

Amaran, formerly under Aputure, has officially launched as an independent brand dedicated to supporting content creation at all levels. Led by Aaron Tsai, Vice President of Marketing, Amaran prioritizes user-friendliness and mobile-friendly solutions, seamlessly integrating with Aputure's established quality.

(Image credit: Future)

I had an interesting conversation with Aaron Tsai, Amaran's VP of Marketing, about Amaran's recent launch as an independent brand. A focus on user-friendliness and mobile-friendly solutions, seamlessly integrated with Aputure's established quality, is exactly what today's creators need. Amaran is a brand created by creators, for creators, and our commitment to this philosophy is evident throughout our catalog.

NAB 2024: Aputure pushes the limits of lighting

Aputure didn't hold back either, announcing three new products: the Aputure INFINIMAT series, Sidus One, and Sidus Link Pro. INFINIMATs offers weather-resistant, full-color, flexible light mats that meet a long-awaited industry need. Sidus Link Pro and Sidus One allow Aputure users to control all of their appliances, including Bluetooth or CRMX, through a single app.

NAB 2024: Maxon One gets major upgrades

(Image credit: Future)

Maxon One users rejoice! The spring release of Maxon One is packed with powerful upgrades for motion designers, broadcasters, VFX artists, and more. Cinema 4D features intuitive particle simulation, and Redshift provides the ability to render non-photorealistic (NPR) styles. Red Giant is also powered by Red Giant Geo, a tool for texturing, lighting, and cloning 3D objects in After Effects.

I was lucky enough to spend a few minutes talking with Maxon's CEO, David McGavran. A true industry veteran with over 20 years of experience, David's demeanor is as relaxed as his shirt and jeans. Engineering at Adobe Systems Despite his impressive career, including serving as a director and working with some of the most famous production companies, he is one of the coolest people you will ever meet. I'm one of the.

Not only does he have a deep understanding of how AI can enhance production capabilities, but he also has strong ethical guidelines regarding the application of AI. Our conversation centered around Maxon One's exciting new features and the company's commitment to empowering creators of all levels.

NAB 2024: Strada's AI revolutionizes content creation

(Image credit: Future)

I watched Strada CEO and Strada Founder Michael Cioni demonstrate the software's innovative toolset. I found myself fascinated by that ability. From bringing together and perfectly lining up all your footage from multiple camera sources to doing the same with audio to create subtitles, you can browse and search everything at speed and in real-time. If there's anything you need to know about Michael, it's that he knows his stuff. He is intelligent and charming and will answer any question and ensure it is a good one.

(Image credit: Future)

I've spent endless hours sitting in editing rooms, so I can't overstate the potential for Strada to cut that time in half. These time savings are extremely important to production teams, especially when adhering to the pressure cooker schedules known in the industry.

As an independent content creator, imagine having half of your time back to focus on new projects or spend more time with your clients and loved ones. That's the Strada way. We leverage AI to give back time to creators, regardless of their skill level. I can't wait to test the Strada in my weekly productions. Because this frees up my time for things like saying no to my kids for my own entertainment (just kidding…mostly).

NAB 2024: OpenDrives takes home the gold

(Image credit: Future)

OpenDrives, a leader in software-defined media workflow solutions, received well-deserved recognition this year. The newly announced Atlas software-defined storage platform and business model has won the NAB 2024 Show Award for Product of the Year in Connect Category – Cloud Computing and Storage. Atlas offers an innovative composable storage model priced based on functionality rather than capacity, giving creators advanced options.

I had the opportunity to speak with both Sean Lee, Chief Strategy and Operations Officer, and Heather Lapointe, Principal Software Engineer, about OpenDrives' commitment to building authentic relationships with clients so they can deliver creative solutions. had. Their approach, focused on understanding customer needs and workflows, was novel in the industry.

A time of inspiration and connection

NAB 2024 wasn't just about shiny new technology (although there was plenty of that). It was about people. Passionate creators and companies are excited about the ideas of the future.

Storytelling. The energy was exciting and I left feeling seriously inspired about what happens in the content creation pipeline.

It was shocking to see how everyday technology is reflected in the media we consume every day. Are the powerful laptops we review? These are the workhorses behind large data sets, epic movie scenes, and everything in between. It made me feel like a small but important cog in a machine.

As reviewers who connect with manufacturers and help our readers find the perfect laptop, hearing from creators, pros and enthusiasts alike, is the ultimate validation. “Your review helped me choose a laptop!” Feedback like this makes all of our work even more valuable.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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