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Apple is marketing its $3,500 Vision Pro headset to businesses. Will it catch on?

Apple is marketing its $3,500 Vision Pro headset to businesses. Will it catch on?


The Cupertino, Calif.-based company last week announced a number of enterprise customers that have built “spatial” apps designed to take advantage of platform capabilities that combine the physical and virtual worlds within a user's field of view.

The bet is that early adopters can demonstrate the headset's usefulness to enterprise information technology buyers and justify its $3,500 price.

There are a lot of great new use cases in industry, education, training and healthcare that will support it, and to be honest, they're all net new markets and net new revenue,” said CEO of cloud content management company Box. said Aaron Levy. We built a Vision Pro app that allows users to access files in mixed reality. Frankly, that's what I was most excited about. ”

For at least a decade, big tech companies and specialty hardware makers have been trying to capitalize on the excitement of immersive digital experiences and push the headset and virtual reality market beyond gaming. Until now, no vendor has been able to convince companies to buy virtual reality headsets in large quantities, analysts said.

Apple wants to change that equation. Susan Prescott, the company's vice president of worldwide developer relations and enterprise product marketing, says Vision Pro helps companies increase productivity and opens up endless possibilities within their companies. ”

The company said it works directly with customers to integrate and manage Apple devices and partners with companies such as IBM, Deloitte and SAP to help businesses get started. He declined to say how many companies have purchased Vision Pro headsets or how many devices have been sold to companies.

One potential benefit for enterprise developers is that Vision Pro uses a similar development infrastructure to the iPhone and iPad, making it easier for Apple to attract developers familiar with its tools. is. Apple says Vision Pro is integrated with the company's mobile device management platform, allowing IT departments to centrally manage headsets and ensure security.

Apple says more than 1,000 spatial apps have been developed for Vision Pro, and more than 1.5 million apps are compatible with Vision Pro.

German software maker SAP has developed the Vision Pro application for its analytics cloud software and an app that allows customers to access many products from the same place. By extending the Apple ecosystem to Vision Pro, customers will be able to connect their existing Apple devices, said Florian Heretsch, vice president and head of mobile experience and engineering at SAP.

Daily work device?

The quality and speed of Vision Pro's immersive visuals is what consumers have come to expect from Apple products: crisp and fast.

However, some analysts say it is unlikely that Vision Pro will be used solely for general knowledge work. The Vision Pro weighs about as much as three large iPhones strapped to the user's head, making it a pain to wear for long periods of time.

It's also expensive at $3,500. Other virtual reality products, such as Metas Quest and products from Samsung and Sony, retail for less than $500.

“Not every desk at Cisco has Vision Pro,” said Jeethu Patel, executive vice president and general manager of security and collaboration products at the company. “Cisco has a small number of headsets in-house and they are selectively distributed.” .

Patel envisions enterprise uses such as working on the go, remote training, and video conferencing, and the Apple headset's many screens will allow users to view people and documents in the WebEx video conferencing Vision Pro app can do the task.

Heretsch said that while SAP's Vision Pro app is useful for managers and finance staff, it's not yet convenient for all types of employees. SAP said it is using about 50 Vision Pros in-house to develop the app and collaborate on its development.

Gartner immersive technology analyst Tuong Nguyen said Vision Pro could serve more specialized applications such as 3D visualization in engineering and front-line manufacturing where virtual reality headsets are proving business value. I'm watching it.

Deloitte, which has Apple's existing practice advising its iPhone and iPad business, last week announced a new Vision Pro practice focused in part on training developers to develop apps for the new headset. said Mike Brinker, digital leader for the leading mobile and mobile professional services company. App advice. Deloitte is a sponsor of CIO Journal.

Brinker said Deloitte has ordered hundreds of Vision Pros for its own use. The company will use them for data visualization, immersive learning, employee training, and for expansion plans for Deloitte University's Leadership Campus in Texas.

The visualization that lays it all out using Vision Pro is very impactful because you can do all the space planning. ” Brinker said. This is a better way to experience the 2D world than he was used to seeing in blueprints. . ”

Home improvement retailer Lowe's similarly uses more than 20 Vision Pros to allow employees to be fully immersed in 3D models, or digital twins, of its stores and inventory, according to its chief digital information officer. Seemantini Godbole said. She said this experience, combined with the generative AI-based assistant, led her to ask detailed questions in plain English about inventory and layout.

Lowes said the company also created Style Studio, an app that helps customers design and visualize their kitchens, and has 13,000 downloads. Godbole said the company plans to install Vision Pros in dozens of stores later this year so customers can try out the app.

Vox says initial uses for its Vision Pro app, which has been downloaded thousands of times, include media companies producing multiple videos at once and life-giving people visualizing body parts as an alternative to 3D printing. This includes science companies.

But internally, Boxs Levie said there is still no clear use for the Apple headset.

“There are so many people who just pull out their laptops and do most of their work in that capacity,” he said. We don't know exactly what the company-wide model looks like.




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