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High-tech industry will become the new defense industrial base

High-tech industry will become the new defense industrial base


Development in nascent technology areas such as quantum computing, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence (AI) is primarily occurring in the private sector, where talent, capital, and competition to drive commercialization are concentrated. The United States and its allies need to increase collaboration with technology companies to consider dual-use applications from the perspective of commercial opportunities and national security imperatives.

China recognizes the role of its civilian research and commercial sectors in strengthening its military and defense capabilities. Through its military-civil fusion strategy, China aims to have the most technologically advanced military in the world. The implementation of this strategy involves China's acquisition and heavy subsidies of its technology sector for national purposes. Importantly for the United States, this also includes China's efforts to exploit global commercial capabilities through intellectual property (IP) theft and strategically hostile investments in the private sector. This threatens the leadership of the United States and its allies in cutting-edge technology.

The U.S. technology industry is feeling the effects. Industry and government discussions at an event held by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute at SXSW revealed that national security-minded investors are increasingly interested in Chinese capital being pumped into early-stage dual-use startups in sectors such as: It was emphasized that Japan could not compete with the scale and speed of Japan. Quantum computing, microelectronics, biotechnology, AI, etc.

A natural advantage that the United States and its allies have over China's military-civil fusion strategy is the agility, innovation, and market viability of the private sector relative to China's competitors. The success of Silicon Valley and the historically high proportion of global technology leadership in the United States is evidence of this. The United States needs to help cultivate this advantage to accelerate the deployment of commercial technologies to meet national security needs quickly and at scale.

The U.S. government is actively leveraging technology for national security and efforts to address the challenges posed by China. In January 2021, we launched the Trusted Capital Digital Marketplace (TCDM) to help establish a reliable source of funding for small and medium-sized businesses that provides an alternative to hostile investments in innovative defense-critical capabilities. was established. This effort has stalled in recent years, but the program should be significantly revamped and the possibility of partnering with allies under the auspices of security agreements, such as AUKUS, Australia and the UK, should be prioritized. The TCMP will support national security through public-private partnerships and complement other efforts, such as the establishment of the Office of Strategic Capital (OSC), which will help attract and expand private capital to underwrite high-risk investments in emerging technologies. become.

More broadly, security agreements with allies through AUKUS, particularly Australia and the UK, challenge the US government to prioritize partnerships with industry. Under his AUKUS Pillar 2, which focuses on advanced capability sharing, the AUKUS Defense Investor Network was approved and an industry forum was established. These efforts are consistent with the United States reducing barriers for startups and small businesses entering the defense market, such as the proposed amendments to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) for AUKUS partners under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). ing. It was passed in December 2023.

However, ASPI's discussions at SXSW highlighted the need for the United States and its allies to move further upstream, where emerging technology innovation is occurring, and increase public-private collaboration early in the process. This will enable the United States and its allied governments to identify and support national security technology startups early on, ensure their path to commercialization is free from adversarial capital, and meet defense needs. You will be in a favorable position to meet the requirements. Increased innovation and rapid expansion ensure that the United States and its allies are leaders in critical technology areas.

You don't need to reinvent the wheel to achieve this. Instead, the United States and its allies should work together to identify existing sites of public-private innovation and build on these activities. His technology incubator, Capital Factory, in Austin, Texas, is one example that could be emulated and scaled. Capital Factory's partners include Army Futures Command, created to ensure the Army remains at the forefront of technological innovation and warfighting capabilities, and AFWEX, the Air Force's equivalent innovation arm. These relationships ensure that innovators, investors and end government users of dual-use technologies are brought together in one hub to collaborate. This means that national security considerations are incorporated early in the commercialization stage. Therefore, these companies become commercially viable independent of the government because the government is no longer their only customer. However, they were built from the beginning to make it as easy as possible for governments to work together, including being security compliant and free of hostile capital.

The United States should also expand its innovation partnerships with allies and the technology sector beyond its domestic efforts. In Europe, NATO's North Atlantic Defense Innovation Accelerator (DIANA) exists to discover and accelerate dual-use innovation capabilities across the Alliance. Based on this model, DIANA ensures that companies have the resources, networks, and strategic advice to develop and scale technologies critical to defense and security challenges. The United States, with more than 20 partner accelerator sites across Europe, is engaging by copying this model, collaborating with existing innovation efforts such as Capital Factory or developing collaborative partnerships such as AUKUS to promote public-private innovation. It has the potential to strengthen the global network of .

The key to the success of these recommendations is to ensure that there are sufficient sources of clean, non-adversarial funding to support commercialization, particularly in partnership with allies. U.S. initiatives such as TCDM and OSC must be supported by allies' efforts to creatively leverage their financial resources. In particular, as innovation collaboration increases under AUKUS, there will need to be more pressure on Australia to engage the private sector and mobilize the large pool of funds sitting idle in superannuation funds.

Australia's pension system is the fifth largest savings pool in the world, but it is severely underinvested and is managed by traditionally risk-averse super funds. Winning China's civil-military fusion strategy will require finding ways to encourage the investment of this capital in dual-use technologies that support the national security interests of allies. For the Australian Government, this means driving a debate that more broadly frames the imperatives of commercial opportunity and national security investment. Beyond defense applications, a focus on the importance of dual-use in technology sectors such as advanced manufacturing, critical minerals, and biotechnology can help assuage the concerns of more risk-averse investors.

More broadly, the agility, innovation, and market viability of high-tech industries and the private sector are the greatest strengths that the United States and its allies have in strategic competition with China.

Governments must be bold and innovative when partnering with the private sector at scale. This is done early in the innovation process to ensure that national security needs are met and that sufficient funding is available to support the commercialization of emerging technology areas such as quantum, AI, and biotechnology. It means working together in stages. Without leadership in these technology areas, the United States and its allies stand to lose the economic advantage of being first to market. However, from a security perspective, they will have less autonomy over critical technology supply line chains and less influence over standard-setting that protects users in line with liberal democratic values.

Establishing these relationships early can also help the private sector understand how to better engage governments as customers and encourage dual-use technology development. Mobilizing the technology sector as a new defense industrial base is an exercise in public-private cooperation and alliance partnerships. The fact that these public conversations are taking place in a forum not traditionally focused on national security, such as SXSW, is a great opportunity for government and industry to discuss the importance of cooperation for the common national security interest. This shows that the world has a common understanding.

Bronte Munro is an analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Washington, DC, covering US and Australian defense industrial base policy, innovation, cyber and technology.





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