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US set to impose sanctions on Israeli military units over abuses: report | Israel's War on Gaza News

US set to impose sanctions on Israeli military units over abuses: report |  Israel's War on Gaza News


Israel's prime minister said he would oppose any sanctions targeting Israeli military units for alleged rights violations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would fight any sanctions imposed on Israeli military units for alleged rights violations, after a US media outlet reported that Washington was considering such a move.

US news site Axios reported on Saturday that Washington was considering imposing sanctions on the Israeli Netzah Yehuda Battalion, which operates in the occupied West Bank, although the Israeli military said it was not aware of any such measures. .

Israeli media also identified the unit expected to be targeted as Netzah Yehuda, an infantry battalion founded about a quarter-century ago to incorporate ultra-Orthodox Jewish men into the army.

The United States on Friday announced a new round of sanctions linked to Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, the latest sign of growing U.S. frustration with the policies of Netanyahu, whose coalition government relies on the settler parties.

If anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on a unit of the [Israeli army] I will fight him with all my strength, Netanyahu said in a statement on Sunday.

Israeli War Minister Benny Gantz said in a statement on Sunday that he spoke with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and asked him to reconsider the issue.

Gantz said such sanctions would be a mistake because they would harm Israel's legitimacy in wartime.

Blinken said Friday he had made decisions regarding accusations that Israel violated a set of U.S. laws prohibiting providing military assistance to individuals or security force units that commit gross human rights violations.

Blinken, without providing details, said his department was conducting investigations under a law that prohibits sending military aid to foreign security units that violate human rights with impunity.

He then added: I think it's fair to say that you will see results very soon. I made decisions; you can expect to see them in the coming days.

Killing for no real reason

Separately, on Sunday, Israeli Labor Party leader Merav Michaeli called for the dismantling of the Netzah Yehuda military unit, saying it was killing Palestinians for no real reason.

The sanctions are a recognition of reality and an understanding that Israel's conduct in the territories cannot continue, Michaeli said on X.

The violent and corrupt behavior of the Netzah Yehuda Battalion and those around it has been known for years, and nothing has been done to stop it.

Earlier this week, the investigative news agency ProPublica reported that a special committee of the US State Department, known as the Israel Leahy Vetting Forum, recommended months ago to Blinken that several units Israeli military and police officers are disqualified from receiving American aid, after allegations of human rights violations. violations.

The alleged incidents took place in the occupied West Bank and mostly occurred before the start of Israel's war on Gaza on October 7, the outlet said.

Before the Gaza war, violence had already increased in the West Bank, and it has since intensified with frequent Israeli military raids, Israeli settler rampages in Palestinian villages, and Palestinian attacks on Israeli forces and settlers.

The Israeli military has stated that the Netzah Yehuda Battalion is an active combat unit that operates according to the principles of international law.

The Israeli military said that following publications reporting sanctions against the battalion, it was unaware of the problem.

If a decision is made on the matter, it will be reconsidered, he said, pledging to continue working to investigate any unusual events in a practical manner and in accordance with the law.

In 2022, battalion commander Netzah Yehuda was reprimanded and two officers were fired following the death of an elderly Palestinian-American whom the unit's soldiers had detained in the West Bank, an incident that sparked criticism concern in Washington.

There have been several other incidents in recent years, some caught on camera, in which Netzah Yehuda soldiers have been accused or accused of mistreating Palestinian detainees.




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