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Madsen holds on with a half-century on day three

Madsen holds on with a half-century on day three


Wayne Madsen was another thorn in Leicestershire's side as he saved Derbyshire from the threat of a three-day defeat in the Vitality County Championship match in Derby.

After Derbyshire trailed by 407 runs, the 40-year-old blocked the visitors' push for victory with a dogged unbeaten 59 from 114 balls to send his team to 224 for 6 at the end.

But with rain forecast on the final day, Madsen, who has scored five centuries against Leicestershire, has given his side a good chance of salvaging a draw.

Despite missing several frontline bowlers, Leicestershire bowled out Derbyshire for 167, with Tom Scriven, Ben Mike and Scott Currie all taking three wickets.

When Derbyshire slumped to 144 for 6 in their second innings, Leicestershire sensed an early finish but Alex Thomson, 46 not out, stayed with Madsen for 27 overs to keep them waiting.

Derbyshire's chances of avoiding the follow-on were slim at the start of another sunny but cold day and were still ten overs into the morning session.

Nightwatchman Sam Conners was the first to leave when he played across the line at Scriven, but David Lloyd's departure was a damaging blow to the hosts.

The Derbyshire captain looked good and pulled Mike for six before driving the Seamer to the cover boundary to reach 50 from 63 balls.

But Mike had the final say when he deceived Lloyd with a ball that spun away and knocked out his stump.

Aneurin Donald and Anuj Dal restored some order with a score of 67 from 74 balls, until the introduction of Liam Trevaskis sent Donald into a frenzy.

He swept the left-arm spinner's first ball to the boundary but then stormed off the pitch, missed an ugly delivery and was bowled. It was a reckless shot under all circumstances, but completely inappropriate given the state of the match.

The lower order quickly subsided as Currie claimed the final two wickets, allowing Derbyshire to concede one before lunch.

Harry Came survived a difficult chance to get a short leg off the penultimate ball, but the openers looked relatively comfortable after the break, passing 50 before Currie hit a hot streak.

Running in from the Racecourse End he trapped Came on the crease and in his next over removed Reece who misjudged the line and offered no shot to a ball that was hitting back.

But the best was yet to come. Lloyd was completely deceived by a full toss falling on him, which knocked out the stump and left him flat on his back.

When Trevaskis struck again in his first over, trapping Brooke Guest's leg just before tea at half, the smell of victory was in the air for the visitors.

On a day of little consolation for Derbyshire, Wayne Madsen passed 15,000 first-class runs after the break but lost Donald who aimed a pull at Scrivens and was bowled.

Dal stayed with Madsen for seven overs before Mike had him caught behind legside, but Thomson joined Madsen to frustrate Leicestershire.




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