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Purdue Manufacturing and Materials Research Institute announces new location in Indianapolis

Purdue Manufacturing and Materials Research Institute announces new location in Indianapolis


MMRL's Indy location in the 16 Tech Innovation District drives manufacturing excellence across the hard tech corridor

INDIANAPOLIS — In an effort to accelerate physical, digital and sustainable manufacturing efforts across Indiana, Purdue University's Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratory (MMRL) establishes a home at 16th Street in the Innovation District in Indianapolis To do. The heart of the hard tech corridor. MMRL will be based at 16 Tech's Machine Makerspace, the region's premier makerspace for prototyping. This latest announcement comes just before the official opening of Purdue University at Indianapolis, Purdue's new urban campus in Indiana's capital city, on July 1.

“Manufacturing, or ‘manufacturing,’ is a core pillar of who we are as a boilermaker,” said Ajay Marche, MMRL’s first director and the R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering. states. “With MMRL's significant presence in Indianapolis, the City of Purdue, along with industry and government partners in central Indiana, is committed to creating manufacturing excellence across the Hard Tech Corridor to create opportunity and wealth in Indiana.” You will be able to accelerate the

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With its flagship location in West Lafayette, MMRL works with industry and foundations to accelerate the commercialization of manufacturing technology and attract top talent. As one of the first offshoots of Purdue's Excellence in Manufacturing and Operations (XMO) initiative, MMRL brings together world-class Purdue faculty from top-ranked schools including mechanical engineering, materials engineering, industrial engineering, and nuclear engineering. about manufacturing research and experiments. Together, MMRL and XMO will become critical components of the nation's manufacturing, logistics and supply chain renaissance by bringing together physical, digital and sustainable manufacturing for an integrated ecosystem of manufacturers of all sizes and revitalize the resilience of the industry. Now, with a new location in Indianapolis, MMRL has implemented a strong workforce development component and intentional technology implementation efforts to ensure critical job creation and regional impact while maintaining national security. I will do it.

“With dual locations in West Lafayette and Indianapolis, MMRL faculty, staff, and students work as one unit across the hard tech corridor, partnering with organizations important to achieving common goals in Indiana. “We're going to do that,” Director Dan Hassler said. Executive Director, Purdue University, Indianapolis.

Indiana is a manufacturing leader. Manufacturing in the state generates nine-digit economic output and employs more than 500,000 workers, according to a recent study by the National Association of Manufacturers. Indiana has the highest manufacturing share of its GDP of any other state, at 25.7%, with more than one in five Indiana residents currently working in advanced manufacturing. I am. Both production and capital investment return to and remain within U.S. borders, and initiatives like MMRL uniquely position Purdue to meet domestic workforce needs with job-ready graduates. “The Indiana Next Generation Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC) node, in partnership with Purdue University MMRL in Indianapolis, will be part of this joint venture focused on applied manufacturing research, learning and technology transfer.” Raman said. , John A. Edwardson Dean of the College of Engineering.

Purdue will also partner with Connexus Indiana, an organization with a strong network of industry, education and public sector leaders working to strengthen Indiana's competitive advantage in advanced manufacturing and logistics. Connexus and Purdue's shared goals are to drive industry innovation and develop local talent to ensure Indiana remains a world leader in advanced manufacturing for generations to come. is.

“Over the past several years, we have seen a steady increase in the adoption of advanced technology in manufacturing,” said Fred Cartwright, president and CEO of Connexus Indiana. “As industry technology adoption expands and small business operations become more digital, the skills needed in the workforce will continue to evolve as well. We are growing our presence in Indianapolis and across the state. We look forward to partnering with Purdue University to foster innovation and help build the future workforce essential to Indiana's top industrial sectors.”

Innovation is leading the way in manufacturing, with key technology platforms such as digital twinning, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things being used at all scales for new advancements, technology updates, and large-scale workforce training. provided to the industry. 16 Tech fosters world-changing discoveries and economic opportunities in Indiana's industrial heartland and is the perfect incubator for these innovations and technologies.

“MMRL is the perfect addition to 16 Tech and the Indianapolis ecosystem,” said Emily Krueger, president and CEO of the nonprofit 16 Tech Community Corp. “By locating at 16 Tech, MMRL joins a growing community with the infrastructure to enable and scale” interactions between university researchers, companies, and startups. ”

About Purdue University at Indianapolis

Purdue University at Indianapolis is a new and expanded fully integrated West Lafayette campus, extending the academic rigor and accessible excellence Purdue is known for to central Indiana. As the state's only public Top 10 University, Most Trusted University, and Most Innovative University, Purdue University is focused and committed to strengthening its presence in Indiana's industrial and technology hub. is. Purdue University at Indianapolis creates an innovative STEM-based college experience by connecting forward-looking Purdue University at Indianapolis students and faculty with local businesses, expanding Indiana's STEM pipeline and technology Accelerate ecosystems and drive local and global impact. The realignment of existing IUPUI partnerships is expected to be completed by the start of the fall 2024 semester. To learn more about Purdue University's latest big leap forward, visit

About Connexus Indiana

For more than a decade, Connexus Indiana, a nonprofit initiative of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP), has positioned the Hoosier State as a great place for advanced manufacturing and logistics industries to innovate, invest, hire, and succeed. It has been positioned as a place. Connexus Indiana creates opportunities for advanced manufacturing and logistics companies by collaborating with industry, academia, and public sector partners around a shared vision for an innovative, skilled workforce and a stronger business environment. and has helped prepare Hoosiers for success in the state's largest industry. Maintaining Indiana's competitive advantage. For more information, please visit

16 About Tech

Launched in 2020, the 16 Technology Innovation District is a destination for innovation and entrepreneurship growth and a technology enabler for the life sciences and advanced manufacturing industries that are key to Indiana's economy. Connected to the diverse neighborhoods of downtown Indianapolis and purposefully equipped with facilities and programs to foster innovation, 16 Tech includes three buildings with a variety of offices, wet and dry lab space, and makerspace. and more than 200 innovation-related entities employing more than 800 people. . At full construction, 16 Tech expects it will have an additional 2 million square feet of innovation-related space that will support 3,000 jobs.

Writer/Media Contact: Derek Schultz, [email protected]

Sources: Dan Hassler, Ajay Marche, Fred Cartwright, Emily Kruger




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