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Google's Chrome cookie tracking experiencing delays again?

Google's Chrome cookie tracking experiencing delays again?


Key points Deprecated delayed timeline. The phaseout of third-party cookies in Chrome was originally scheduled for 2022, but has been delayed several times, and has now been extended until early 2025. Google Regulatory Considerations. Google emphasizes its continued collaboration with the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to ensure a thorough review process. The CMA has set a deadline for market participants to submit industry test results by the end of June, impacting the timeline. Future updates and efforts in future reports. Google plans to release a specific update on its schedule for deprecating third-party cookies in Chrome in its next quarterly report, scheduled for April 26th.

Google doesn't plan to complete the phaseout of third-party cookies in Chrome until early 2025. The search giant announced the postponement in a blog post today, noting that third-party website cookie data tracking will not occur as planned until late 2025. Fourth quarter of 2024.

Google initially announced it would phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by 2022, but that was later pushed back to late 2023, then to late 2024, and now 2025.

“We recognize that there are ongoing challenges associated with reconciling disparate feedback from industry, regulators, and developers, and we will continue to work closely with the entire ecosystem,” Google officials said. wrote today. “It is also important that the[UK Competition and Markets Authority]has sufficient time to consider all evidence, including the results of industry tests, which the CMA is asking market participants to submit by the end of June. Given both of these important considerations, we will not be finalizing third-party cookies until late in the fourth quarter.”

Google and the CMA will regularly release quarterly updates on the progress of the cookie phase-out initiative, which is part of the Web Privacy Sandbox. Google says it will provide a concrete update on its timeline for deprecating third-party cookies in Chrome in its Q1 2024 report, scheduled for release on April 26.

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Google officials said: “We remain committed to working closely with the CMA and ICO and hope to complete the process by the end of the year.” “If we can reach an agreement, we envisage moving forward with the phase-out of third-party cookies from early next year. Once published, both Google and his CMA's full report will be available for viewing.”

Improving web privacy: How Google is replacing third-party cookies

Launched in 2019, Google's Privacy Sandbox is a program designed to strengthen web privacy while helping companies collect the data they need for effective advertising. This program is Google's strategy to address growing privacy concerns, particularly regarding the use of third-party cookies.

Historically, these cookies have been used by advertisers and websites to monitor users' online movements in order to deliver tailored advertisements.

However, this method has raised significant privacy concerns among consumers and regulators as it tracks users across different sites without explicit consent and leads to invasive profiling.

In response, regulators are tightening privacy regulations, prompting technology companies like Google to move away from third-party cookies to solutions that better protect user privacy.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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