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Want to avoid ultra-processed foods? Cook more often and choose whole foods

Want to avoid ultra-processed foods? Cook more often and choose whole foods


dose347:46:40How do ultra-processed foods affect my health?

Sandra Elia knows just how prevalent ultra-processed foods are in the Canadian diet.

Elia, a recovering food addict, had struggled for years to control her intake of ultra-processed, fried foods that contained large amounts of refined sugar and flour.

she is not alone.Canadian Consume almost half of your calorie intake According to a 2017 study commissioned by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, intake from ultra-processed foods is decreasing.

Elia now advocates for everyone to consume a diet that includes whole, fresh foods rather than ultra-processed “factory-made foods.”

Sandra Elia smiles for the camera.
Sandra Elia is a Toronto-based food counselor and the Chair of the Board and Director of Patient Advocacy and Education for the nonprofit organization Obesity Matters. She is also a self-proclaimed recovering food addict. (Michel Quance)

“It's true that the Western diet has spread all over the world and is contributing to all sorts of chronic diseases,” said Elia, who is also president and director of patient advocacy and education for the nonprofit organization Obesity Matters. .

Experts agree that ultra-processed foods not only harm physical health, but are also correlated with increases in negative mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

What are ultra-processed foods?

According to food technologist Hamed Vatanka, humans have been processing food ever since we stopped hunting and gathering, our main means of obtaining food.

“We learned that we can process food. [store] food [longer]we can change food and make it taste better,'' explained Vatanka, CEO of Montreal-based food engineering company Cypertech.

by Nova food classification system — Developed in 2009 by researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil — Fresh bread, freshly made cheese, salted nuts, and bacon are all considered processed products. This is because salt, sugar, and fat are added to them for preservation or to make them more palatable. .

Nova classifies foods based on the degree of processing, from unprocessed and whole foods to ultra-processed foods.

Hamed Vatanka, wearing a navy blue suit and tie, smiles for the camera.
Hamed Vatankhah is a food engineer and CEO of Scipertech, a Montreal-based food processing company. (Courtesy of Hamed Vatanka)

Pickling and fermentation are also common food processing methods.

Ultra-processed foods, on the other hand, are fundamentally modified versions of all natural ingredients, said Jean-Claude Moubarak, associate professor of nutrition at the University of Montreal.

Moubarak authored the “Heart & Stroke” study, which examined how Canadians consume ultra-processed foods and how this impacts the Canadian diet. It also made policy proposals aimed at reducing dependence on ultra-processed foods.

“Ultra-processed foods are carefully selected blends of industrial substances and additives to create products that are consumed,” he said in an interview with host Dr. Brian Goldman. . dose.

“They contain a lot of sugar, salt and fat, but they also contain colors, flavors and different types of additives to make them appealing.”

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Nutritionists say there is no data yet to show that processed, plant-based burgers are better than meat.

The Nova system includes instant macaroni and cheese, flavored tortilla chips, carbonated soft drinks, and chocolate bars, as well as most fast foods, in the ultra-processed category.

Certain brands of breakfast cereals, fruit juices, and yogurt also count as ultra-processed.

Researchers like Mubarak argue that modern food manufacturers heavily process raw materials not only to keep food fresh longer, but also to encourage increased food consumption.

“This is why we use so much sugar and salt, and why we use flavors and colors,” he said.

“Nature makes food for the purpose of life, and I think [the food] The industry is ultra-processing for the sole purpose of increasing sales and profits. ”

Elia says she knows how appealing ultra-processed foods can be.

“I can only eat so much, like broccoli, salmon, asparagus, etc., but when I eat something super-processed, it just makes me want more, which is a lot like being an alcoholic.”

Like any other food, ultra-processed foods contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. However, the problem for experts is that they are often added after processing and would not otherwise be present in those foods.

“Sugar-filled breakfast cereals may have added minerals and vitamins,” says Mubarak.

Correlation with poor physical and mental health

Research shows that there is a correlation between eating ultra-processed foods and good health. Health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and Heart disease.

“Overall, we can say that the more ultra-processed foods people consume, the worse their health will be,” Moubarak said.

There is also a correlation between ultra-processed foods and mental health issues, including: depression and anxiety.

Still, the causal relationship remains unclear: Does depression cause people to overeat food, or does the food itself cause depression? This relationship requires further research. He admits this.

Elia says she turned to ultra-processed foods to cope with the emotions of her trauma, especially during difficult moments with her mental health.

“I didn't realize it at the time, but [that] “These ultra-processed foods become my mental health tank. I feel very depressed and anxious when I eat them,” she said.

“We know that when people are depressed, they tend to eat a lot of sugary products, because sugar affects mood,” Moubarak says.

“What's clear is that sometimes people lose control of these products,” he said.

He said people at home should be careful about the types of food they eat when they feel stressed or anxious.

Is it possible to avoid ultra-processed foods completely?

Vatanka acknowledges that ultra-processing “degrades some of the nutritional content of foods,” but warns against the idea that processing makes all foods unhealthy.

“Processed food guarantees public health,” Vatanka said, pointing to milk pasteurization, which removes harmful microorganisms from raw, organic milk.

Additionally, she says, they now have access to a wider variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables from around the world that aren't available in an environment like Canada.

Mubarak acknowledged that avoiding ultra-processed foods can be difficult for some people, and that rising costs can make it difficult to obtain certain fresh ingredients such as meat. I am.

See | Food for Thought: Ultra-processed foods:

Food for thought: Ultra-processed foods

50% of the calories in our diet come from ultra-processed foods. It's a disaster for our health.

It's also often more convenient to buy on the go.

Nevertheless, he suggests that people cook for themselves as often as possible, focusing on recipes that combine meat and vegetables with grains and legumes.

“If you like chocolate, I recommend buying real chocolate instead of a Kit Kat bar, which is candy,” he said.

Moubarak also disagreed with the idea that ultra-processed foods are cheaper than whole foods, arguing that the food industry prices consumers for the time and energy they save by purchasing ultra-processed foods. .

A grocery store refrigerator shelf containing various brands of Canadian fruit juices.
Although many juice brands claim to use real fruit in their products, it can be difficult for consumers to tell the difference between regular processed juices and ultra-processed ones that contain excessive amounts of sugar. there is. (Jill English/CBC)

“I can honestly say that meat is expensive, but there are some foods that are much cheaper, such as rice, beans and vegetables,” he says.

“If you're going to eat seasonal vegetables, you'll find it's much cheaper to buy all those ingredients and combine them into a meal rather than buying ultra-processed products.”

Elia encourages people who consume ultra-processed foods to consider the benefits of whole, fresh foods.

“I have a lot of responsibility for the food industry, which is a multibillion-dollar industry that's trying to get the lion's share of your wallet.”




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