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Google's head of search talks about uncertain future

Google's head of search talks about uncertain future


A new world with the advent of artificial intelligence and its derivatives is upon us, and Google is pedaling hard to keep up.

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Alphabet Inc.'s Google had nearly 92% of the search engine market share as of February, according to data from Oberlo. Since 2014, its share has not fallen below 90%, and it has remained the top search engine for the better part of two decades.

For the tech giants, this may no longer be enough.

Prabhakar Raghavan, Google's senior vice president who oversees search, advertising, commerce, payments, and other key areas, delivered this message to the nearly 25,000 full-time employees in Google's knowledge and information organization: Ta.

I think we can all agree that things are not what they were 15 to 20 years ago and things have changed, Raghavan said in an audio recording of the event obtained by CNBC.

The company's digital advertising business has become the envy of the world, and annual revenue has soared by more than $100 billion in three years, making it difficult for the tech giant to keep up with its current pace of growth despite rapid growth. It's getting more and more difficult. To Raghavan.

Life won't be boring forever, he said. If there is a clear and current market reality, just as athletes twitch faster, we need to twitch faster.

To that end, Raghavan told officials that the time to complete some projects would be reduced as part of progressing the investigation of cases in key areas. He also said there are plans to expand the team in growth markets such as India and Brazil.

As competition in generative AI intensifies, Google's Gemini model is competing fiercely with OpenAI's ChatGPT and Anthropics Claude, just to name a few. Raghavan emphasized the importance of Google's reputation in a changing technology environment.

He said people come to us because they trust us. There may be new gizmos out there that people want to play with, but they still turn to Google to verify what they see. Because Google is a trusted source of information, and in this age of generative AI, Google is becoming more important.

Just last week, Google announced plans to merge the teams responsible for AI models into its Research and DeepMind divisions as part of an effort to accelerate the buildout of AI capabilities.

The company has spent the past year working to simplify its structure and improve its speed and execution, CEO Sundar Pichai said last week. This includes reducing the number of employees by approximately 6% in January 2023, eliminating approximately 12,000 jobs.




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