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5 exciting game titles to watch in May 2024

5 exciting game titles to watch in May 2024


From F1 24 to Senuas Saga: Hellblade 2, here are five exciting game titles releasing in May.

F1 24 (Release date: May 31st; PC, Xbox, PlayStation)

Perhaps there is no better companion for car racing games and Formula 1 enthusiasts to the ongoing F1 season than F1 24, the official video game of the 2024 FIA Formula 1 World Championship, released later this month. There will be nothing. According to publisher EA Sports' official website, F1 24 features an all-new suspension kinematics system, improved tire models, more detailed aerodynamic simulation, new engine settings, and enhancements that give gamers more control over their driving style. It is said to feature a variety of car setup options. . All of this is part of the new EA Sports Dynamic Handling System.

Martin Calcada, a 32-year-old Mumbai-based player who has been playing the series since F1 2009 (released in November 2009), said he was looking forward to the revamped career mode in F1 24. I follow sports and play video games, so F1 is a big part of my gaming time,'' says the Mumbai-based actor, who works as a product manager at an IT distribution company. Karkada says. The series has evolved a lot, especially since Codemasters acquired the development rights to the game. Previously, the games were not an annual event. The new edition is published once every three years, but now it is more consistent,'' Karkada said over the phone. Career mode has become even more in-depth. Simulation and damage models have also been improved. In the real world, F1 is more than just tracks and cars. There are also some glamorous elements. Somehow, EA managed to capture it,” he added.

According to EA's website, the game also includes new track improvements and real audio from F1 drivers to make it more authentic.

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MotoGP 24 gives gamers the opportunity to test their abilities in the MotoGP, Moto2 and Moto3 categories. (In-game screenshot) MotoGP 24 (Release date: May 2nd on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch)

MotoGP 24 offers gamers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the 2024 campaign, testing their riding abilities in the MotoGP, Moto2 and Moto3 categories, from four-wheel open racing to the thrill of speedy bikes.

MotoGP 24 will be more customizable, adding an adaptive difficulty feature that adjusts the gaming experience to suit your skill and results. You can customize your rider using his four graphic editors: stickers, rider stickers, racing numbers and helmet coloring.

Another interesting new feature is the MotoGP Steward, which monitors races in-game and ensures fair racing.

MotoGP 24 also allows you to compete with players from all over the world thanks to the cross-play feature. Players can also challenge their friends to one-on-one split-screen races.

Homeworld 3 (Release date: May 13th, PC)

Space and science fiction collide in this real-time strategy game where you control and fight fleet battles in a 3D space environment. Think cosmic derelicts, giant spaceships, the ruins of ancient civilizations, hyperspace gateways, and intense stories that take place on a galactic scale.

Homeworld 3 adds a more extensive campaign mode and focuses on solo gameplay. The game will also explore themes of modern technology.

Senuas Saga: Hellblade 2 (Release date: May 21st, PC and Xbox)

It has a different charm and adventure than games set in the Viking Age. In the sequel to the award-winning Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice (released in 2017), Pictish warrior Senua returns on an arduous survival journey through the myths and sufferings of his Icelandic Vikings. Senuas Sacrifice was set in his dark fantasy world of Helheim as he seeks to retrieve the soul of his dead lover, but in Senuas Saga: Hellblade 2 players will be able to find his 100000 followers recreated from real locations. You will be taking an epic journey through the Iceland of the century.

What intrigued me about Hellblade is that it's story-heavy. There is a strong focus on Norse mythology,” says Satyam Pandey, 25, a Pune-based game designer. I mainly played on his PC. In Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice, you're almost experiencing the underworld of Norse mythology and battle audio. In Your Head (Character experiences psychosis) His one cool mechanic that I like in Hellblade is that the more you lose in-game, the more it affects your actual character. If you lose too many times, the game will be reset to its original state. Back to the start of the game,” he added over the phone.

Pandey said Hellblade is a story-driven action-adventure game that will “appeal to gamers who have tried and loved titles like God of War. A sequel has been in development for a long time. It's a visually stunning game. I think so.” “I'm looking forward to seeing how they (the developers at Ninja Theory) build the combat and character motivations,” he added.

This third-person action-adventure game is published by Xbox Game Studios.

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According to the developers of Newfangled Games Paper Trails, players will have to fold and tear through a populous and diverse paper world. (In-game screenshot)

Paper Trail (release date May 21; on PC and Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and mobile)

origami? puzzle? Storytelling? expedition? If you like these themes, Paper Trail is an interesting game to check out.

In Paper Trail, you take on the role of Paige, a scholar who leaves home for the first time for research. Along the journey, you will learn how to fold the world, solve puzzles, explore new areas, and combine the two sides to uncover many secrets.

According to the Newfangled Games Paper Trails developer's website, players must fold and tear through a populous and diverse paper world. As you progress, new gameplay opportunities emerge, enhanced by the folding mechanism. You can drag objects, shine lights, and push rocks on the path created by folding.

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Published: May 1, 2024, 8:00 AM IST

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