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Google Pixel 8a leaks online: powerful battery, enhanced camera, new color options expected

Google Pixel 8a leaks online: powerful battery, enhanced camera, new color options expected


Ahead of the highly anticipated Google I/O event scheduled for later this month, speculation is swirling about the next Google Pixel 8a. A recent leak attributed to tipster Mystery Lupin sheds light on the device's expected specs, giving enthusiasts a glimpse of what Google has in store.

The Pixel 8a will reportedly feature a spacious 6.1-inch FHD+ display boasting a smooth 120Hz refresh rate and enhanced with Gorilla Glass 3 protection. Under the hood, it is said to be powered by the cutting-edge Google Tensor G3 chipset and powered by the Titan M2 security chip. The device is expected to come with 8GB LPDDR5x RAM paired with 128GB or 256GB of UFS 3.1 storage, ensuring enough space for all your needs.

In terms of battery life, the Pixel 8a is rumored to feature a 4,492mAh battery and support Qi-certified wireless charging. According to the leak, users can expect long usage times, potentially giving him more than 24 hours of usage, and up to 72 hours with Ultra Battery Saver mode enabled.

Photography enthusiasts may be happy to know about the reported camera settings of the Pixel 8a. This includes a high-resolution 64MP wide-angle sensor with electronic and optical image stabilization, complemented by his 13MP ultra-wide-angle camera on the back. For selfies, his 13MP ultra-wide-angle front camera is equipped with AI-based features such as Magic Touch Up and Magic Eraser, which is said to promise great self-portraits. .

Other notable features rumored to grace the Pixel 8a include an under-display fingerprint sensor for added security, dual SIM support for added flexibility, stereo speakers for an immersive audio experience, and ultra There's Wi-Fi 6E for high-speed connectivity, a USB Type-C port, and more. For charging and data transfer.

The device will be available in four different color options: Obsidian, Porcelain, Bay, and Mint, with an additional eye-catching orange variant likely to be added as well. Furthermore, it is rumored that the Pixel 8a may come with an IP67 rating for dust and water resistance.

Google has not yet announced an official release date for the Pixel 8a, but there is speculation that it will coincide with the Google I/O conference scheduled for May 14th. The device is expected to debut in India around the same time, indicating Google's intention to cater to a global audience.

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Published: May 6, 2024, 7:35 PM IST

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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