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The long-awaited Amazon opens its official shop in SA

The long-awaited Amazon opens its official shop in SA


Same-day and next-day delivery is available to Amazon customers, the company said.

US-based e-commerce giant Amazon has officially launched its long-awaited online marketplace in South Africa, launching

Amazon is expected to shake up South Africa's e-commerce sector, acquiring existing local companies such as, Mr. D Food and Naspers-owned Take-A-Lot, which comprises Superbalist.

It is also expected to compete with online marketplaces Bob Shop, Masmart-owned Makro Marketplace, Zando and Bidorbuy, among others.

Amazon first announced plans to launch the platform in South Africa in October last year.

Market players say the arrival of major U.S. players has left local e-commerce companies wondering where their value propositions lie and how their businesses are unique to ensure their services continue to resonate with consumers. We believe it is necessary to consider ways to maintain reliability.

The e-tailer said in a statement today that it is available by downloading the Amazon Shopping app or by visiting on a desktop or mobile browser.

Customers can discover and shop from a selection of local and international brands across 20 product categories, with same-day and next-day delivery available.

“We are excited to launch with thousands of independent sellers in South Africa,” said Dr. Robert Cohen, Amazon Sub-Saharan Africa.

We offer our customers a wide selection of domestic and international products and a convenient shipping experience at great prices. Starting today, customers can rely on for a stress-free shopping experience, fast and reliable delivery, access to 3,000 pick-up points, 24/7 customer support, and easy returns. will be available. Free shipping on your first order.

The company says offers Apple, Sony, HP, LEGO, Chicco, Maybelline, Pampers, Neutrogena and Johnsons.

Dr. Robert Cohen, Amazon Sub-Saharan Africa;

The store will also include local brands from independent South African distributors, including Amanda Jayne, King Kong Leather, Masodi and Tiger Lily.

Amazon is also partnering with South African non-profit organization goGOGOgo to offer customers the opportunity to pack eligible items into handmade gift bags.

Amazon says goGOGOgo, which is based in Johannesburg and has projects across South Africa, is dedicated to building the capabilities, skills and knowledge of grandmas, known locally as GOGOs.

The magazine notes that the gift bags, made from recycled plastic and hand-stitched, directly support local businesses and GOGO income-generating opportunities for parenting families. More than 4 million children in the South East are being cared for by grandmothers and this project contributes to improving life outcomes for these families.

Jane Simmons, founder of goGOGO, said: “By partnering with Amazon, we are expanding our reach and working to advance positive life opportunities and health outcomes for GOGO and the children they often raise in difficult circumstances. I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity to make a meaningful impact.”

Through this partnership, Amazon recognizes the importance of our cause in supporting these extraordinary women who play an important role within families and communities across South Africa.

According to the online retailer, more than 60% of the products sold in Amazon stores around the world come from independent sellers, most of whom are small and medium-sized businesses.

As part of our commitment to connect customers with businesses across the country, empowers independent sellers to quickly launch, grow, and leverage the innovative features, valuable tools, and educational content that Amazon has to offer. , the company said, offering expansion opportunities. .

The company quotes Stella Ndabeni Abrahams, South Africa's Minister of Small and Medium Enterprise Development, who says, “The heartbeat of our small and medium-sized enterprises is the measure of the health of our economy.” If they are revitalized, the country is growing. We welcome businesses that provide opportunities for local sellers and entrepreneurs to grow their businesses.

We count on Amazon to provide these opportunities for small businesses, and we look forward to working together to develop these opportunities. This will contribute to the government's aim to create jobs and repair the legacy of poverty and inequality. This is the heartbeat sound we want to hear.

South African businesses can sell products to customers in the country through Amazon. The company says it provides independent sellers with easy onboarding tools, payment processing solutions, and access to promotional features to help customers find them, as well as reporting and analytics to improve sales. It is said that there is

Building strong relationships with South African brands and businesses, large and small, is very important to us. We want to be a place where we can reach millions of customers, Koen adds.

Today is just the beginning for We continue to improve and enhance the shopping experience to serve our customers and merchants across South Africa.

According to Nathalie Schooling, customer experience specialist and CEO of nlightencx, Amazon's introduction of competition in the local e-commerce market is exactly the customer experience (CX) transformation the sector needed.

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, local retailers were at a prime moment. Suddenly, there was a renewed focus on convenience, customer experience, and innovation. And it worked for a while. But if you ask South Africans whether they are consistently satisfied with the service they receive from local e-commerce providers these days, you are likely to receive mixed reviews, Schooling says.

Just visit your social media pages to see the flow of customer complaints. Unfortunately, when times are good, complacency creeps in and companies often lose sight of their customers.

With the arrival of Amazon, local businesses will strengthen their CX strategies to maintain consumer loyalty and strengthen their market position. If you ask me, it's already time.




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