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Google Search core update breaks sites and rebuilds the web

Google Search core update breaks sites and rebuilds the web


Have you had enough of the changes and disruptions in marketing this year?


Google Search, the web's biggest traffic and revenue generator for two decades, is in the midst of a radical overhaul that is already changing the way users are focused on the internet.

Last month, Google completed rolling out its first core update of 2024 to address spam and low-quality content in search.

There are typically two or three core updates per year, but specific issues are raised by publishers or advertisers and addressed on a rolling basis.

But even bigger changes are coming.

Starting this week, Google will begin enforcing new spam policies. Although this is not a core update, it promises further disruption and reduced traffic for many publishers.

inside story

Google's latest spam core update was unusually difficult and complex, according to an SEO consultant who spoke to AdExchanger anonymously due to a non-disclosure agreement with Google regarding certain search beta products.

This is a troubling change that resulted from a more targeted and informative content update in September, involving multiple core systems that rank against and against each other. they said.

Useful content updates focus on whether the information on a particular page is valuable to searchers. For example, the new core update could offset a high score for useful content at a particular URL by flagging publishers who are spamming elsewhere on their site. there is.

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According to the SEO consultant, one of the key systemic changes that Google Search has made is that when the search algorithm finds what it deems useless content or spam, it will now It is said that it is to lower the rank of. This means that instead of losing traffic to her one URL or section of the site, the publisher will experience a broader downgrade of her main site.

For example, a non-offensive digital media site might have a section with paid posting options, such as a coupon directory or sponsored content. Because some of that content primarily exists to help monetize publishers and not necessarily provide value to web users, it falls under spam policies and ultimately brings down overall site traffic. may cause

Consider Forbes. Forbes was recently exposed for operating a subdomain ( with questionable monetization strategies.

Previously, publishers with problematic advertising practices on parts of their sites could simply stop the practices without affecting the entire site. Now, this can affect your site's overall search ranking.

What's the problem?

Many publishers are victimized by these spams and content updates. But is that a bad thing?

In some ways, Google's recent search updates are like ad tech companies working on MFA sites, said one publisher consultant, who requested anonymity to discuss his clients under non-disclosure agreements.

MFA sites were created in response to what agencies and ad tech companies want: cheap, easy to read, and a human touch. For years, Google has learned through its own best practices and by driving traffic to specific types of sites that coupon directories and aggregated content packed with search metadata are exactly what algos want. I have informed the publisher. Now, all of a sudden, these content strategies are considered spam and the site's traffic has dropped by 70% to 90%.

Many publishers and SSPs are unhappy about being unfairly tagged as MFA, and there's a reason for that. That's because he employs practices such as serving six or more ads above the fold when a site loads, the publisher's consultant said.

However, the latest Google core update is far more complex than simply dealing with MFA content.

Many sites have paid publication type content that should not necessarily be penalized. For example, many reputable publishers post sponsored content or run native ads that look like original content, but they charge a fee per post and are published by a third party. This is often the case.

waving one's long tail

Smaller professional sites also claim that they have lost out to larger publishers as a result of Google's helpful content updates.

HouseFresh, a product review site specializing in air purifiers and similar home appliances, says it has seen a 90% drop in search traffic since Google's March/April core update. HouseFresh says its traffic primarily goes to big publishers like Dotdash Meredith, but those big sites aggregate reviews from niche pubs simply to monetize the affiliate traffic that flies directly to their core. Updates despite generating large content.

And it's not just publishers. Tuta Mail, a European encrypted email service, announced that its site's traffic has decreased by 90% since a core update in March.

“It's clear that Google changed something in its search algorithm, but we don't know what was changed or why,” Matthias Pfau, CEO of Tuta Mail, told Reuters. Ta.

What's next?

This means that it is affected by updates to the Google search algorithm. Join the club.

The big question is: what can be done? Unfortunately, there aren't that many.

Pfau said Tuta Mail has received radio silence from Google. The SEO consultant who spoke to AdExchanger also pointed out that what's particularly frustrating for publishers is that Google doesn't really explain things or solve problems on the go.

In fact, Google isn't addressing this as a problem to be solved on the back end, the consultant said. Google's feedback to publisher customers is that they need to work on their sites and should see improvements organically between now and the next core update later in the summer.

What worries small and medium-sized sites most is that recent updates to Google Search don't seem to be aimed at promoting useful content or spam protection, publisher consultants said.

Who won here? they said. Shouldn't that be a clear indicator?

What they're saying is that if any company is winning on Google search right now, it's the big platforms: Reddit and Google itself. When Google released its first quarter earnings in April, the main driver of revenue growth was search. YouTube's revenue has also increased and is now expected to exceed $100 billion annually.

However, Google's network business saw a decline in the advertising revenue it provides to third-party sites and publishers. Remember, you're not just experiencing a slowdown in growth, it's decreasing year over year.

But since last September, Reddit has seen its Google search page explode, and helpful content updates have begun to favor forums and authentic reviews.

These are big changes for Reddit, which is forum-based and has many logged-in users posting product reviews. But Reddit recently signed a highly lucrative deal to license its data to Google to develop the latter's AI software, as well as a commitment to spend hundreds of millions of dollars over the next three years with Google Cloud as a customer. Did.

Starting in February, Pinterest began exploding Google search listings for recipes and other searches at the expense of smaller cooking and recipe sites. That was shortly after Pinterest entered into a major traffic partnership with Google Ads.

Previously, sites had to follow guidelines set by Google to be successful in search, and were paid to do so, SEO consultants said. A growing frustration among publishers right now is that listening to Google's best practices and advice doesn't help. The problem will only get worse.

Google is telling publishers to overhaul their practices, but the real way to capture more search revenue appears to be by signing up to massive data sharing and Google Cloud spending agreements. said the consultant.




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