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Apple adds Pro to Final Cut and Logic Pro for iPad

Apple adds Pro to Final Cut and Logic Pro for iPad


Apple is updating two of its biggest pro apps to complement the new iPad Pro models announced today. The updated Logic Pro will be available first, hitting the App Store on May 13 for both iPad and Mac, and the next version of Final Cut Pro for both platforms will be released later this spring. Both are free updates for existing users of the macOS and iPadOS versions.

Final Cut Pro for iPad finally supports external projects. This means users can now create and access products on external storage without having to import media to the iPad's internal storage. This is a big problem for people who edit on the go. Because even Apple's higher tablet storage tiers can be limiting when dealing with large video files (especially since the app supports taking his four camera shots at once) .

Live Multicam allows you to record and monitor video on up to 4 devices simultaneously.Image: Apple

Another big new feature in Final Cut Pro (officially called Final Cut Pro for iPad 2) is live multicam. This allows you to record, monitor, and even adjust camera settings like exposure, focus, and zoom on up to four other iPhones. An iPad was used for shooting.

Welcome to the new Final Cut Camera app!Image: Apple

The company also debuted Final Cut Camera, a new iPhone and iPad app that gives you more professional-style control over white balance, manual focus, ISO, shutter speed, and more. Apple says the app is free for everyone to use, but it's targeted at live multicam functionality.

The Mac version of the app (version 10.8) also includes a new editing feature called Enhance Light and Color on Mac, which gives you the ability to improve color balance, contrast, and brightness in one easy step. provided. Apple says it's optimized for SDR. , HDR, RAW, and log encoded videos.

In the next version of Logic Pro (again Logic Pro for iPad 2), Apple built on the app's automatic drummer and added new AI-generated bass and keyboard instruments. Apple also added a new Stem Splitter feature. It uses on-device AI to split recordings into four parts: drums, bass, vocals, and other instruments. He also announced ChromaGlow, a new machine learning-powered reverb effect with his five different saturation styles for surreal warmth, presence, and punch. Apple says users can also choose from other sounds, including warm, nostalgic vintage sounds and more extreme styles that users can customize.

Both ChromaGlow and Stem Splitter work with the Mac version of Logic Pro. However, neither will work on older Intel Macs. Apple needs its own silicon to use this feature in desktops and laptops. Both the iPad and Mac versions of the app work on devices with at least either iPadOS 17.4 or macOS Ventura 13.5. For the iPad version, Apple recommends an M-series Apple silicon chip for Logic Pro's session player and his ChromaGlow feature, and this chip is required for the Stem Splitter.

First introduced last year, the iPad versions of Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro cost $4.99 per month or $49 annually, compared to $299.99 for Final Cut Pro on Mac and $199.99 for Logic Pro. Available at Aside from being (arguably) more affordable, these apps are one of the many products drawing creatives to the iPad platform, along with numerous ports of Adobe software such as Procreate, Affinity, Photoshop and Illustrator. This is one of the.

Updated May 7, 2024, 2:39 PM ET: Clarified Mac and iPad hardware requirements for Logic Pro.




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