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ClinicalKey AI wins AI Innovation Award at annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards program

ClinicalKey AI wins AI Innovation Award at annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards program


Elsevier, a global leader in scientific information and data analytics, has been named the winner of the 8th MedTech Breakthrough Awards program's AI Innovation Award. MedTech Breakthrough(Opens in new tab/window), an independent market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global digital health and medical technology market, recognized Elseviers ClinicalKey AI for breakthrough innovations. presented the award to Elsevier.

Elsevier partnered with OpenEvidence to develop ClinicalKey AI and extend the capabilities of ClinicalKeys with the latest AI advances. ClinicalKey AI combines trusted, evidence-based clinical content with conversational search powered by generative AI to help clinicians deliver quality patient care.

ClinicalKey AI generates responses based on information from verified sources, including Elsevier's proprietary point-of-care content, medical references, journal abstracts from Elsevier and trusted third parties, and government publications. By evaluating these evidence-based content sources, which are updated daily, ClinicalKey AI can summarize customized responses to clinical queries. Your answer will also include a bibliography with linked citations to supporting published evidence.

As a company dedicated to empowering clinicians and improving outcomes, we strive to ensure clinicians have access to trusted, evidence-based medical information. ClinicalKey AI is designed for the clinical setting and enables faster and more accurate answers to a variety of clinical questions based on the latest scientific research, said Elsevier's Health Market President. says Jan He Herzhoff. This is extremely important given the overwhelming amount of complex cases that clinicians have to deal with every day. ClinicalKey AI is setting a new standard in medical decision support and we are pleased to announce that MedTech Breakthrough has recognized him with the AI ​​Innovation Award.

The mission of the MedTech Breakthrough Awards is to celebrate excellence and recognize innovation, hard work, and success in a wide range of health and medical technology categories, including telemedicine, clinical management, patient engagement, electronic health records (EHR), virtual care, and healthcare. is. devices, medical data and privacy, and more. This year's program attracted thousands of nominations from more than 18 countries around the world.

ClinicalKey AI makes it easy for clinicians to extract accurate knowledge from vast amounts of clinical information, ensuring decisions are based on the latest evidence, and helping hospital leaders to support clinical decision-making. We will be able to offer the right AI technology, said Managing Director Steve Johansson. , a breakthrough in medtech. This year, he is proud to receive the MedTech Breakthrough Award for Elsevier's Solutions with AI Innovation.

Elsevier continues its commitment to responsible AI by building on AI technology designed for healthcare and tested by over 30,000 clinicians. The company, along with a team of over 100 clinicians and his two medical system development partners, is continually evaluating the accuracy of ClinicalKey AI output. ClinicalKey AI, which debuted with a live demonstration at this year's HIMSS, showcases the power of AI innovation in healthcare, backed by AI safeguards and trusted evidence-based content.

ClinicalKey AI allows clinicians to ask questions and get answers right away, just like they would talk to a trusted specialist. The solution's intuitive clinical reasoning assistant is designed to help clinicians quickly search a comprehensive base of clinical knowledge. Clinicians can access this information at the point of care while also taking into account patient circumstances such as multiple comorbidities and current medications. All of these can be customized for individual users within their profile settings.

ClinicalKey AI allows clinicians to explore different medical conditions and treatment options. Hospital leaders can build a sustainable culture centered on evidence-based practices, which helps control costs and enhance patient care.


About Medtech Breakthrough

The MedTech Breakthrough Awards program recognizes medical and health technology companies, products and services as part of Tech Breakthrough(Opens in new tab/window), the leading market intelligence and recognition platform for global innovation and leadership. , and is dedicated to recognizing service excellence and innovation. people. The MedTech Breakthrough Awards publicly recognize the achievements of breakthrough healthcare and medical companies and products in categories such as patient experience and engagement, health and fitness, medical devices, clinical management, connected healthcare, medical data, and healthcare cybersecurity. Provides a platform for evaluation. . For more information, visit (opens in new tab/window).

Tech Breakthrough LLC does not endorse any vendor, product, or service featured in our certification program, nor do we advise technology users to select only vendors with award designations. Tech Breakthrough LLC certifications constitute the opinions of the Tech Breakthrough LLC organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Tech Breakthrough LLC disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this Certification Program, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.




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