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In Animal Well, YouTuber Dunky goes from critic to salesman.

In Animal Well, YouTuber Dunky goes from critic to salesman.


Now, Dunky (real name Jason Gastrow) wants to parlay his 14-year career as an entertainment critic into a serious business, publishing indie games, something most influencers have tried. That's not the point.

On Thursday, his publisher Bigmode released its first game, Animal Well. In this game, a mysterious blob explores a complex maze, encountering animals that can help or hinder his journey. Billy Basso spent seven years creating this game. The game relies on well-designed puzzles and hidden secrets to increase player motivation, and receives special attention thanks to Dunkey.

A few days before the game was released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Switch, Gustrow posted a YouTube video encouraging players within Counter-Strike and VRChat to put Animal Well on their wishlists.

His wife and business partner, Leah Gastrow, who answered questions on her husband's behalf, said he had unique tastes and described him as press-shy. It happened many times that he picked up the game before achieving his mainstream success.

(He gave early praise for the 2018 game Celeste, now considered an indie classic.)

Game reviews on YouTube and Twitch are a thriving subculture, with influencers often sponsored by companies to promote titles in exchange for money.

Ash Parrish, a staff writer for The Verge who covers gaming, said the problem arises because influencers don't always adhere to journalistic ethics. Dunky is not afraid to say something is wrong, so he gets away with it. In fact, people like to hear what he has to say.

Jason Gastrow said he has not received any sponsorship to review the game. His ability to criticize without scorching the earth has earned him nearly 7.5 million subscribers on YouTube. His logo is a donkey wearing sunglasses and smoking a large cigar.

He also became a modest celebrity in the gaming industry when he was named Wisconsin's top celebrity in a public vote conducted by the Milwaukee Record, beating out football coach Curly Lambeau and actor Gene Wilder.

Part of the Metroidvania genre known for its maze-like structure, Animal Well caught the attention of the Gastrows at the 2022 industry event Summer Game Fest. Around that time, the couple was discussing plans for the company. Bigmode also publishes Star of Providence, a retro top-down shooter that reflects the tastes of its founders but doesn't necessarily reflect the dominant trends of large studios. He wants to raise the profile of his game.

For Animal Well, Basso spent nearly 80 hours each week working alone on the design of the game engine, animation, music, and more, relying on savings from working at large studios like NetherRealm, the developer of the Mortal Kombat series. He said that Bigmodes feedback improved his gameplay experience.

Every time I update the game, they end up playing it from the beginning, Basso said. The big beats of the game don't really change that much. Perhaps it's the order in which things are done, or adding visual cues to let players know that certain things are possible.

Leah Gastrow said Bigmode only had one major request during its development cycle. It's about putting more animals into the well.

Basso agreed, adding dozens of animals with distinctive animations and interactions. A kangaroo stomps the ground, a seahorse uses foam to create useful footholds, and a rabbit appears to guide the player.

Marketing for Animal Well began in earnest during Nintendo's independent developer showcase last year when Jason Gustrow introduced himself as funny guy video game Dunky. As Basso talked about a game full of puzzles that you'll want to play again and again, Gastrow deliberately stumbled into a pond of ducks quacking in the background.

A thriving Discord channel soon emerged where players attempted to decipher the subliminal content behind each frame of promotional videos. The mystery was part of a promotional strategy by Dan Adelman, head of business development at Animal Wells.

Adelman said it's difficult to bring the game to market because he can't tell its secrets. I can't tell you how good it feels to play.

The deepest secrets are encrypted. In an interview with Game File, Basso explained that quantum computers would be needed for hackers to access information without playing Animal Well as intended.

Leah Gastrow said it was very artistically handled from start to finish. We will do our best to deliver this game to as many people as possible.




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