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Open AI plans to steal Google's thunder by announcing AI-powered search engine a day before Google I/O 2024 – Report

Open AI plans to steal Google's thunder by announcing AI-powered search engine a day before Google I/O 2024 – Report


According to Reuters, OpenAI plans to announce an AI-powered search engine to compete with Google Search on May 13th. Open AI's statement is expected to come a day before Google I/O 2024, where many expect Google's own Gemini AI model to take center stage.

Bloomberg previously reported from its sources that OpenAI is developing a web search feature for ChatGPT that will provide sources along with results. ChatGPT can already search the web for information and return reasonably accurate results. However, that service is limited only to his paid GPT-4 subscribers.

OpenAI surprised everyone by launching ChatGPT in November 2022. Also, since Microsoft was a financial backer, the company was scheduled to announce on February 7, 2023 the integration of ChatGPT and Bing to create Bing Chat. This seemed to shake Google to its core. An AI-powered search engine would seriously threaten the company's near-monopoly in the online search business.

So, on February 6, 2023, Google launched Bard, a generative AI chatbot that outperforms Microsoft. However, the move backfired, with many considering Bard's launch underwhelming and the AI ​​chatbot making a critical mistake in its live broadcast.

More than a year after those events, Microsoft and Google's generative AI chatbots have come a long way. Bing Chat is now called Microsoft Copilot, integrated with Windows and Edge, and available on your computer and smartphone (if you have Microsoft Edge installed). Microsoft also currently offers subscriptions to Microsoft Copilot Pro. This integrates Microsoft Copilot Pro into some Microsoft 365 apps, allowing you to generate and enhance images through the designer.

Bard, on the other hand, is now called Gemini AI, and Google offers the Google One AI premium plan for users to use with the Google Docs office suite. While we don't expect any big announcements regarding Gemini AI during this year's Google I/O 2024, we still expect Google to focus on Gemini and its capabilities during the conference.

OpenAI's surprise announcement mirrors what Google made to Microsoft a year ago. This exchange between his two tech giants shows how they see his AI as the future of search. Researchers estimate that the value of the generated AI industry will be $1.3 trillion by 2032. Perplexity AI, a startup focused on search engines and targeting Google, is currently worth $1 billion, lending credence to this prediction.

It remains to be seen what OpenAI plans to announce on May 13th, or if it will even push through. All we know is that it will be an AI-powered search engine that competes with Google. Let's see what happens on the promised day and how Google will react to it.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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