Pursuing Responsible, Human-Centered Technology – Oregon Business
Brand Story – Milestone Systems, a video technology software provider, drives policies to protect people and innovation.
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AI-driven video technology software is just one way Milestone Systems is making society safer, but the company's policy work takes that mission to the next level, as it seeks to put privacy, accountability and responsible technology at the heart of all AI applications to protect people and, as a result, innovation.
From healthcare to smart cities, AI technologies today are transforming every industry they touch, and the video security sector is no exception. AI-enabled capabilities such as video data analytics and machine learning are multiplying the potential uses of video security tools, and according to Thomas Jensen, CEO of Milestone Systems, the advances are outpacing legislation.
“Today, it is far from certain that the development and use of advanced technologies is being properly regulated, especially with regard to the capabilities of artificial intelligence,” he explains. “We are already seeing this with mobile phones and the amount of data they track. The power of AI brings unprecedented opportunities that need to be properly managed.”
Jensen said loose regulation could create an environment where inappropriate use of facial recognition could undermine public trust in the legitimacy and societal benefit of video security.
Every day, Milestone Systems sees its solutions result in life-changing interventions.
For example, one North American city used Milestone Systems' video analytics to adjust traffic lights during rush hour to reduce traffic congestion, save time, money, and cut air pollution. In another city, police stakeouts of a suspected drug-dealing premises (later proven to be a drug-dealing premises) were conducted using video surveillance for the 36 hours needed to obtain a search warrant, providing valuable evidence and freeing up officers' time for other tasks.
In Denmark, video technology software works in conjunction with floodlights and alarms to warn passers-by of the edges of canals, reducing the number of accidents and drownings. If someone is unlucky enough to fall into a canal, the video system automatically alerts and dispatches rescue teams.
Milestone Systems' solutions also help improve lives and outcomes in hospitals, where video technology software plays a key role in enabling overworked nursing staff to do more with less through virtual rounds and alerts that detect unusual activity in the room. Video technology also protects patient privacy by identifying when patients may be in distress, while blurring their identities and activities.
Video surveillance can feel like an invasion of privacy if not used correctly, but the issue isn't the technology; it's how it's used, Jensen continues. Video technology software can be very narrowly focused, for example to protect citizens before harm comes to them. But it can also be used in ways that lead to serious invasions of privacy and human rights violations, and we need to prevent this.
Recognizing that regulation is essential to both protecting human rights and promoting innovation, Milestone Systems has a long history of supporting responsible technological innovation.
In 2024, Milestone became the first technology company to adopt the G7 AI Code of Conduct. Four years after co-authoring the Copenhagen Letter in 2017, which committed companies to putting humans at the center of the technology movement, Milestone Systems adopted the UN Human Rights Guiding Principles in 2021. It has also incorporated human rights clauses into its contracts and licensing agreements.
Internally, Milestone Systems is promoting responsible innovation by shining a spotlight on unconscious bias in generative AI. The company is currently building training programs for its software developers on how to mitigate that bias. The team is also working on developing image enhancement features to improve the accuracy of video data and minimize the occurrence of false positives.
Technology is great, but some of Milestone Systems’ most impactful work has come from interacting with policymakers and standards bodies in the EU and US.
“We are negotiating with politicians to protect human rights and cede some social benefits for safety,” Jensen said. “We are encouraging them to limit my profits by limiting the use of facial recognition to a predefined list. We are committed to being ethical and urging the entire tech industry to follow our approach.”
We believe that the aversion to increased regulation stems from a major misconception that increased regulation will diminish benefits. Instead, Milestone Systems believes that comprehensive regulation will ensure the public safety and trust needed for AI technology, allowing it to reach its full potential as a driver of positive change.
The EU AI law and President Biden’s recent Executive Order on the Safety, Security, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence lay the foundation for the responsible use of AI.
Jensen stresses that regulation must be as forward-looking as the technology itself.
“It's a journey. What we plan today and execute tomorrow will be different in six months,” he concludes. “We don't know what it will be like in two years. It's a journey with changing goals. That's why we emphasize the need to regulate its use, rather than the technology itself.”
But what Milestone Systems knows for sure is that no matter what the future holds, we will continue to embrace a human-centric approach to AI and push for legislation that protects the fundamental rights of all individuals.
About Milestone Systems – Milestone Systems' video software and analytics solutions leverage AI and IoT technologies to provide clients with focused monitoring and actionable insights across their entire footprint. The solutions' cloud-based, on-premise and hybrid options provide public and private organisations with the data they need to change strategies and prevent undesirable outcomes. Through its video surveillance solutions, Milestone Systems strives to shape a safer and more proactive society.
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