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Roblox: 10 Memes That Make You Cry-Laugh


A game that has become more popular in recent years is Roblox. In other words, there are many memes as the fan base grows. The best part of them is that it’s the beauty of the game itself, so you don’t necessarily have to fully understand it. Some are enjoying the game, while others are choosing to laugh at the in-game Shenanigan.

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These Roblox memes will make you laugh and die and remind you why this game is so popular in the first place. You may not like everything Roblox offers, but you are guaranteed to enjoy at least one of these memes!

10 Broken chat system

Roblox’s chat system is monitored and removes words that appear inappropriate from the chat. This includes alcohol, blasphemous words, and other explicit expressions that may not be suitable for young viewers.

That makes sense given how popular the game is with young children. However, for some reason, the chat system considers numbers from 5 to 9 to be inappropriate. Dove / butterfly memes are perfect for the situation.

Some players like 9 ToBe Dramatic

Especially since the age range of this game is so different, it’s quite common to see another play a bit overly dramatic. This meme is just one example of this, as someone’s avatar lying on the ground claims they’re dying, but no one around me seems to care.

Twitter user @TKSTerebiGamer shows exactly what so many have experienced. Other players don’t even offer help. This is typical behavior, and any Roblox player will find this emotion cheerful.

8Roblox is better than Fortnite

Fortnite is asking people to buy V-Bucks to buy things like skins in stores, for example. Players who are crazy about Roblox will refuse because all the money has already been spent on Roblox purchases.

They choose to consider other currencies as frivolous, but it’s not shameful to drop hundreds of dollars on some Robux. If you’re a little unaware of itself, it’s a classic remix of a drake meme.

Choosing between 7-core games and Roblox can be difficult

Core games are similar to Roblox in that they are filled with games created by a community of users, but they are not restricted to any particular style. Roblox’s box-shaped elements aren’t obvious on this new platform, but they’re part of what makes Roblox attractive. Twitter user @ hugobos13465401 fully encapsulates the painful decisions faced by players.

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Many people are wondering which platform to use, but after all, Roblox is usually the answer. That’s why chat systems are so popular that they can catch up with this technology-based world, no matter how old their friends are.

6Roblox had to do it to’Em

The man who “had to do it to them” has a long history (even if it is now discolored) as a long-loved meme. And many fans have recreated the iconic all-pink clad guy, like the Sims version on the right side of the photo.

But this Roblox player has taken it to another level. The cursed image was further cursed by being stretched to fit the strange Lego-like proportions of the Roblox character. But hey-they had to do that, right?

5Roblox is better than Minecraft

Minecraft is considered the world of flowers and daisies that little kids send to play while Roblox is “real”. Roblox has many elements that are easier to play than Minecraft, such as horror and combat. Roblox players understand this old debate and can’t help laughing at the truth of this meme.

Keep in mind that Minecraft is full of zombies and hackers are using some of it to build one of the world’s largest and most dangerous botnets. Roblox is a game for men. Many will do what is in the next meme of other players.

4 Trolling is a hobby

When playing Roblox, some games are identified as RPGs and you can jump into scenarios and play specific roles with the help of your friends. One of them is called Koala Cafe and can be a worker or customer (after completing training).

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However, some players log on only to troll. These are usually teenagers or adult players who just want to have fun. Be careful not to give them too much time as you can be kicked. Otherwise, they can trick you into ending your game altogether.

3 word pun

Some Roblox players are pretty cheerful, even if they don’t make sense like this meme’s Melonman. But really: do you deliver bread that suits his own outfit? You can’t get a more iconic memelord.

It’s a pretty original line, and I can’t help but laugh at all that irony and how strange it looks to see a melon having a shotgun. The grin on his face, unlike the melon cat meme, is accentuated by the green melon hat above his head, so it only makes it better.

2 The report basically does nothing

Most Roblox players are kids, so you may not know who Jeremy Clarkson is. However, any car or top gear fan will immediately recognize the meme format on the left. But unfortunately, they are undoubtedly familiar with sadness and vandalism.

Players are working on creatively expressing their frustration through memetic forms. The original memetic disorder becomes Robloxized (even if the reason is stinking).

1 Moderators often don’t know what they are doing

Moderators are responsible for applying for specific Roblox in-game positions and keeping chat and gameplay civil and respectable among players. Same as chat room and Twitch stream mods. Unfortunately, as Twitter user @Txistxd_Lou shows here, it doesn’t always work.

Many games are lacking in this regard, and players often feel that the player in this meme is always a mod. It is not uncommon for fraudsters to accidentally be banned or targeted. Some believe that the moderators they choose have little knowledge of how to use the keyboard.

Next: 10 Cheerful Bernie sitting in a chair in a Nintendo game is too funny

The next 10 open world games where your choice is really important

About the author Rebecca O’Neill (293 articles published)

Rebecca O’Neill is an Ohio-based leader and writer near the center of CLE. She enjoys setting fires and collecting pins in the kitchen when she’s not writing to Valnet, Inc as an organic list writer. She writes on her blog, Creative Measures, and works towards the completion of her fantasy novel.

Other works by Rebecca O’Neill

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