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Orlando City 5-0 San Jose Earthquakes


After a difficult 0-0 draw in Austin FC’s opener, San Jose Earthquakes fans are hoping they can pull off another positive result against Orlando City. It wouldn’t be easy as the two games were only three days apart and Orlando City was stronger. Also while the road draw is good, San Jose has stayed in a five-game winning streak (spoiler alert, now six). Worst-case scenario, Nani and Daryl Dyke prove he can’t handle it and win by a two-goal margin, right? wrong. Just another case of earthquakes that happened nearly nine years ago. Any kind of optimism that was gained in Texas was demolished in Florida.

The aforementioned Nani and Dyke scored 3 out of 5 goals in the 5-0 win over the San Jose Earthquakes, with Benji Michel contributing to the other two. Delayed rain near the end of the first half did not eliminate the conflicts. After this result, the Lions were ranked second in the Eastern Conference, one point behind the New England Revolution. Orlando City has the third highest total score in Major League Soccer after the Revs and Seattle Sounders. The San Jose Earthquakes at their height are a borderline playoff side, but in that bad form, they seem closer to the wooden spoon receivers than the playoff participants.

This does not excuse this finding. It doesn’t even come close.

Expecting a manager to fix each problem on his own is ideal, but Matias Almeida has had time to implement his tactics and bring in players of his choosing. The San Jose property hasn’t been the league’s biggest spender, but there are still a number of signings, most of whom worked with Almeida on earlier stops in his managerial career. When they went on a horrific round of performances in August and September of 2020, including a 7-1 loss to the Sounders, it was supposed to be a wake-up call. The turning point is to wake up from the nightmare cycle because the masses demanded change.

Since then, any changes that have occurred have been minimal, serendipitous, and insufficient. Nearly a decade of deja vu case.

After completing the 2012 Supporters Shield, the San Jose Earthquakes lost in the first round of their three MLS Cup playoffs. Heavy defeats were followed by management changes, but not changes in ownership strategy, team composition, or major strides in the transfer market. Despite being in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, and thus not an unreasonable alternative for star players to live in compared to Los Angeles, the biggest names to come to Northern California have been substitution-level rookies from the Chivas team in Liga MX. Each transition period brings back that deja vu feel as their southern rivals continue to attract more and more exciting players.

The 5-0 loss should have been a shock to the system, but it’s just the same old story of one of the founding clubs of Major League Soccer. With a passionate fan base that has supported this club through thick and thin, they have gained the courage to get any kind of expectation once some positive momentum is achieved, such as a late push to reach the playoffs in 2020. Now it’s just pure. Disappointment after another insufficient transfer window and underperforming key players.

For those in the USMNT, it was more than that, as JT Marcinkowski and Jackson Yueill were part of the U-23 roster that once again failed to qualify for the Olympics, the latter being one of the scapegoats after an uninspiring performance against Honduras in the CONCACAF Nations League. Despite this setback, 17-year-old Yoel and Cady Coyle (one of the many talented young players on the squad) are on the Gold Cup preliminary roster. So far for Peru, Marcos Lopez has put in a great performance. If the San Jose Earthquakes cannot work together, these players will face more pressure to perform at the international level to continue to receive call-ups, or they will have to change clubs. Which will be the most bad news for Quakes fans.

All we can do is hope that something can be worked out so that Chris Wondolofsky can finish the final season of his career on a positive note, knowing that his loyalty to the club is as valued by his employers as by the fans. For now, the nightmare continues. It looks like LA Galaxy will play the Grim Reaper next as another match in the California Clasico approaches, and fans at PayPal Park will turn up expecting the worst but hoping for the best. Even a win (which would be the first since early May) against their rivals wouldn’t be enough to break that déjà vu feeling. Only consistency and a change of culture can do that.

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