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Heathrow's border force strike has begun, but no one seems to notice.

Heathrow's border force strike has begun, but no one seems to notice.


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First-time arrivals at London Heathrow on the first day of the UK Border Force strike reported no problems getting through passport control.

More than 300 PCS members of the British Border Force went on strike for four days from April 29 to May 2.

The strike coincides with the introduction of the new roster, which means 250 members will be forced out of their current passport control duties, the union said.

The PCS said: Members are committed to action and expect their strike to result in a disruption to passport checks for travelers entering the UK at Heathrow Airport.

However, interviews with a sample of travelers arriving on the Heathrow Express from London Paddington station confirmed that there were no problems with passport control.

Angie, a Delta passenger from Boston, told The Independent: It was ridiculously easy because there was no one in front of me. I put my passport down. [for the eGate]A beep sounds and it's over.

Other passengers told similar stories. A male passenger from Dubai on Emirates Airlines said: It couldn't be easier. I passed right through. I didn't notice any problems.

One traveler from Dallas on American Airlines said he was impressed by how quickly passport control went through.

Most of the passengers The Independent met passed through Terminal 3. A woman who arrived at Heathrow Terminal 5 on British Airways from Hong Kong said passport control went very smoothly.

Passengers from the UK, EU, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea and Singapore can use eGates at the airport.

Travelers arriving at Terminal 4, which has a high proportion of passengers without eGates, are likely to experience longer wait times.

A Home Office spokesperson said: We are disappointed with the union's decision to strike but are open to discussing a resolution with the PCS union.

The changes we are implementing will bring the way Border Force Heathrow staff work in line with that of staff at all other major ports, provide greater certainty about working patterns and improve services to the traveling public.

Robust plans are in place to minimize disruption where possible, but passengers are advised to check the latest advice from their operators before travelling.

Heathrow does not allow reporting at the airport itself. Previously posted on X (formerly Twitter): Border Force officers at Heathrow Airport are planning attacks from Monday 29 April to Thursday 2 May.

Assisted @ukhomeoffice with emergency plan implementation. eGates will be open as usual and most travel will not be affected. However, the waiting time may be somewhat longer.

On Thursday, April 25, eGate failures caused significant delays across the UK, with passengers in Edinburgh having to wait up to two hours to get through passport control.

Another strike involving Unite members is scheduled to last a week at Heathrow Airport in May.

Unite will be calling on firefighters and staff from the areas of airport operations, passenger services, trolley operations and campus security from Tuesday 7 May to Monday 13 May.

The airport said it did not expect passengers to be affected.

A strike by 50 AFS Aviation aircraft refuelers scheduled for 72 hours from May 4 has been canceled five days before it was due to begin.

Unites general secretary Sharon Graham said: This is another victory for Unite in its campaign for the pay and conditions of its members and AFS workers should be congratulated for standing firm against their employers and winning these improved conditions.

Travelers between Heathrow and central London will be affected by the ban on overtime for train drivers, which runs from Monday 6 May until next Saturday 11 May. On Wednesday 8 May, train drivers will go on strike and services will be shortened to every 30 minutes from 7.30am to 7pm.




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