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International vaccine manufacturers agree to boost co-operation in COVID-19 vaccine supply


Leaders of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, the World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization met with directors of leading vaccine companies to discuss strategies to improve access to vaccines against COVID-19, especially among low- and low-income earners. countries and in Africa. The Work group expressed concern that a world without urgent steps is unlikely to achieve the goal of vaccinating at least 40% of the population in all countries by the end of 2021 — a key milestone for ending the pandemic and recovering the global economy.

Members of the Working Group noted that, despite total global vaccine production, doses do not reach sufficient quantities of low- and lower-middle-income countries, resulting in a vaccine inequality crisis. The working group encouraged countries that have contracted large quantities of vaccines and vaccine manufacturers to come together in good faith to urgently speed up deliveries of vaccines against COVID-19. COVAX and Avati, two multilateral mechanisms that are crucial for the equitable distribution of vaccines.

The members of the Working Group welcomed the willingness of the Executive Directors to work with them to address inequalities in vaccines and their willingness to form a technical working group with the Working Group to exchange and coordinate information on vaccine production and delivery.

The working group stressed that if the 40% coverage threshold is reached in all countries by the end of 2021, governments and vaccine manufacturers must take immediate action:

Release doses to low- and lower-middle-income countries: Members of the Working Group take into account that countries with a high vaccination rate have jointly pre-purchased more than two billion doses in excess of what is needed to fully vaccinate their populations. The Working Group reiterates its call on these countries to urgently: i) replace their short-term delivery schedules with COVAX and AVAT, ii) fulfill their promises to donate doses to unmarked deliveries for COVAX, and iii) exempt vaccine companies from options and contracts , so that these doses can be delivered to people in low- and lower-middle-income countries. In addition, vaccine manufacturers should give priority and fulfill their contracts with COVAX and AVAT.

Transparency in vaccine supply: To ensure that doses reach the countries that need them most, especially low- and lower-income countries, the Working Party invites vaccine manufacturers to share details of delivery schedules by month for all vaccine shipments, especially for COVAX and AVAT. In its remarks, the WHO highlighted its call for a moratorium on increased doses by the end of 2021, with the exception of the immunocompromised, to help optimize supplies to low-income countries.

Remove export restrictions, bans: The working group calls on all countries to urgently address export restrictions, high tariffs and bottlenecks on COVID-19 vaccines and the raw materials and supplies needed for the production and timely distribution of vaccines.

Rationalization and harmonization of regulations: Working Group Calls on All Regulatory Bodies in the World to Create Regulatory Consistency and Standardization for Vaccine Approval, and to Support Adoption WHO emergency list procedure. In parallel, efforts should be made to increase vaccine production, diagnostics and treatment globally and to accelerate the equitable delivery of such rescue tools to developing countries.




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