Earthquake highlights extreme poverty in Harnai, Balochistan
“We only have football and it gives us life. We don’t want cars or a lot of money or anything much. Just a decent enough way to play football and not worry about how to run our homes and feed families,” explains Ajab Khan Khilji, Ahwad Football Club captain. Foot (FC) is in Shahraj, and he tells how horrific what happened. The earthquake that hit Harnay on Thursday was at 3 am.
Agbe, 29, insists that players across the Harnai district of northeastern Balochistan, not just in Tahseel Shahrak where he works in a coal mine from morning till afternoon, are in dire need of help. The earthquake only revealed the extreme poverty among the people and especially among the footballers because most of them come from very humble backgrounds.
Ajab, a striker and captain for his club Ahwad which means homeland or “homeland”, describes the vulnerability of footballers and almost all people with limited resources in the Harnai region.
“The earthquake was devastating, the walls of our houses fell, a lot of destruction occurred but we are grateful that at least the damage among the football players in the club or in Shahraj was only material things and no one died in the earthquake,” Ajab told the Express Tribune.
“Unfortunately we see people dying in many other ways, as we don’t have government hospitals that can even treat minor injuries to our players or if anyone gets injured in a conflict or if someone gets injured while working in the coal mine. This is because government hospital doctors don’t even want to work in this place. “.
“Government hospitals are run by corrupt people, so we either have to get treatment in private or run to Quetta but by that time we lose the patient and even when the ambulance service comes to us, the injured person is dead. So the welfare of our people is in danger, because no There is a system in place.”
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As footballers we only have the sport to play after our coal mining work in the railway land, as Ajab said his team players ended up scoring the goal with pipes bought from Quetta.
“All we are asking for is a transparent system that is implemented as there is no help from the government,” Ajab said, adding that “all the players work in the mines and the club is run with donations from the people.”
“In Shahraj, we are all poor, and we love football because that is our passion and it helps us to look forward to something outside the mine. Working in the mines is not easy and is now relatively more dangerous especially after the earthquake.” As a club, we run on donations, For example if we are competing in any tournament, then at least a few days before the tournament we go out to the market and ask for donations, so it all depends on what helps us buy food and transportation.”
The last tournament the Ahwad Football Club played in Sibi was less than a week ago, just a few days before most of them lost their homes in the earthquake. The club’s players collect 50 rupees every Friday after the match to save some money for emergency treatment of any player in the event of an injury.
Ajab said there was no support from the government, regional sports bodies or the ministry. We ask the people and the government to change this. Without hospitals, schools, proper systems and unemployment, we are far behind. I ask the government to help us, we have suffered in the mines, but our children should not.” pleaded Ajab, whose team has been leading regional events for the past five years.
Sources 2/ https://tribune.com.pk/story/2323995/earthquake-highlights-extreme-poverty-in-harnai-balochistan The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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