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Scientists have identified a possible earthquake in Europe that could result from a tsunami


People all over the world are realizing that geological processes in the ocean can do great damage since the tsunami that devastated the beaches around the Indian Ocean in December 2004 and the Fukushima accident in March 2011.

Such events are usually seen as those that occur in the hinterland from a European point of view.

(Photo: Getty Images)

Inactive earthquake hazards

Many people ignore the fact that European shores are tectonically active, and that many disasters have occurred there in the past, says Professor Dr Heidron Kopp, co-chair of the European Maritime Council’s working group on the topic.

The European Maritime Council is a European alliance of important national marine or oceanographic institutions, research funding bodies, and national associations of universities with a significant focus on marine research. A position paper on marine geo-risks has been released under the leadership of Professor Cobb, according to

Facts and policy recommendations are obtained with the help of a position paper titled “Maritime Geohazards: Protecting Society and the Blue Economy from the Invisible Threat”. The position paper was revealed during the 8th European Maritime Council Forum in Brussels, Belgium, which focused on supporting the Ocean Decade in Europe.

“This position paper is very relevant to European countries,” Hedron Cope emphasizes. “If a natural disaster occurs on the coasts of Europe, all EU countries will participate – both in disaster relief and in financing reconstruction.”

Read also: The huge knowledge gap about the tsunami threatens coastal cities and humanity

Possible earthquake and tsunami

The multiple risks were highlighted by scholars from a number of member institutions of the European Maritime Council for the position paper. Threats include earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, both of which can lead to tsunamis. Tsunamis may occur when there are landslides on the sea floor.

In addition, small disasters can lead to huge economic losses even if they do not cause massive destruction. Large sandbars, for example, can move along the ocean floor, similar to sand dunes in deserts. These sandbars may bury and destroy pipelines or deep-sea cables used for communications and Internet traffic, costing companies and governments millions of dollars.

Heidrun Kopp says the goal is not to create a massive crisis scenario, but to raise awareness of the risks so that politicians and authorities can plan and respond appropriately. A better assessment of risks in marine spatial planning and construction projects will be an important aspect.

Over millions of years, the probability of geological events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions has remained constant. However, as the coasts are becoming more and more densely populated, they have developed ports and industrial facilities on the coasts and at the bottom, and have accumulated tremendous values ​​there in general, the severity of the damage is increasing.

(Photo: Getty Images)

Research to discover geological hazards in the seas of Europe

The authors of the position paper also point out that further study is needed to better understand the geological hazards in Europe’s oceans. There is currently no high-resolution image of the sea floor that adequately depicts geological fault zones and continental plate edges where earthquakes often occur, for example.

They also claim that until recently, there was no comprehensive information on the location and movement of the huge sandbanks. As a result, the researchers propose large-scale measurement projects that map the sea floor down to a centimeter.

Heidrun Kopp said: “We want to identify those structures that are particularly problematic. In many cases, we still don’t know exactly where these sites are. We don’t even know the exact location of the 1908 Messina earthquake that hit Italy and caused the highest number of casualties ever recorded by an earthquake.” European at all, having killed more than 80,000 people at that time.”

Related article: 8 Most Disastrous and Deadliest Earthquakes of the Last Decade

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