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50 earthquakes struck off the coast of OregonExBulletin

50 earthquakes struck off the coast of OregonExBulletin


A swarm of more than 50 earthquakes has been detected off the coast of Oregon in the past 24 hours, leading seismologists to reassure residents of the Pacific Northwest that they are not in danger. The Blanco transformation fault region is very active, the researchers say, but it does not pose a significant threat. USGS .

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A swarm of more than 50 earthquakes has been detected off the coast of Oregon in the past 24 hours, leading seismologists to reassure residents of the Pacific Northwest that they are not in danger. The Blanco transformation fault region is very active, the researchers say, but it does not pose a significant threat.


The Blanco Transformation Fault Zone off the coast of Oregon is notorious for activity, and has not disappointed in the past 24 hours, having caused at least 50 earthquakes, including two with a magnitude of 5.8.

That sounds like a lot – but scientists say the fault is virtually incapable of causing disaster, either via a tsunami or a powerful earthquake affecting the US mainland.

A swarm of earthquakes struck about 200 miles offshore, according to the US Geological Survey. As people noted, they were concerned that seismic activity might alarm the planet.

“Is this the Cascadia subduction zone speaking?” A Twitter user responded to a USGS post about one of the 5.8-magnitude earthquakes. “Because that would be no good,” the user said, referring to the fault line that runs from northern California all the way to British Columbia.

The geological site Twitter said there is no need to worry

“The Blanco fault zone is not directly connected to the subduction zone, so it will not affect the Great Underground (Giant Cascadia) fault,” said Eric J. Fielding, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

“M5s on Blanco are very common and nothing on Earth has followed suit. The movement of tectonic plates is in real time,” seismologist Lucy Jones said, referring to the magnitude 5 quakes in the region.

The Blanco error area is the boundary of a shift, or slip stroke; This means that where tectonic plates slide along each other. The most dangerous and powerful faults usually appear in subduction zones, where one plate sinks under the other.


“This is probably the most seismically active fault anywhere near North America, and it’s not a cause for concern,” tweeted Harold Tobin, who leads the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network and is a professor at the University of Washington.

The Blanco region lies farther in the ocean than the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which – fortunately – has not caused an earthquake since 1700.

The fracture area was compared to a warm cookie

Due to the frequent activity of the Blanco fault zone and its proximity to the coast, it has become a favorite study area for seismologists and researchers. As geology writer Dana Hunter once said, “The BFZ is absolutely gorgeous and a lot of fun to learn about!”

Explaining one reason why a rift earthquake is unlikely to be felt on the coast, Hunter noted that Blanco has a “young, warm crust” – even compared to a fresh cookie – and added that the crust in this part is more likely to collapse the ocean floor than send strong seismic waves To Oregon and California.

Scientists have repeatedly said that people who live along the Oregon coast should not worry about a tsunami coming from the Blanco Fault.

“You need a great deal of vertical displacement on the ocean floor to generate a tsunami, and earthquakes along the Blanco fault don’t,” said seismologist Jochen Braunmiller in 2008, when studying the area while at Oregon State University.

That same year, when Brownmiller and colleagues published their paper on the Blanco Transformation Fault Zone, Ohio State University researchers reported that a swarm of 600 earthquakes occurred in just 10 days.

As for the neighboring Cascadia Subduction, residents can be forgiven for keeping an eye on it:

According to the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, “Oregon has the potential for a 9.0+ Richter-scale earthquake from the Cascadia subduction and the resulting 100-foot tsunami that will affect the coastal region.”

The agency adds, “Currently, scientists expect that there is a 37 percent chance of a massive 7.1+ earthquake occurring in this fault zone in the next 50 years.”

A version of this story originally appeared on the Morning Edition live blog.




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