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Fault lines in South Carolina and earthquake history

Fault lines in South Carolina and earthquake history


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (WMBF) – A series of recent earthquakes in central South Carolina have demonstrated that while large earthquakes are largely uncommon, Palmetto State has a geologically active past and is prone to future earthquakes.

Since late December of 2021, a total of 10 earthquakes have hit Kershaw County, South Carolina with most activity concentrated near Elgin and Camden. The first earthquake, with a magnitude of 3.3 on the Richter scale, was the largest and was felt as far away as Colombia. It is likely that the next nine earthquakes were aftershocks and were weaker than the first.

10 earthquakes have rocked parts of Kershaw County in the past two weeks. (WMBF)

According to the South Carolina Department of Emergency Management, approximately 10 to 20 earthquakes are recorded each year in South Carolina with only 3 to 5 of them being felt or observed by people.

In contrast to more traditionally earthquake-prone regions such as the West Coast of the United States, the cause of earthquakes in South Carolina is unclear. According to the Department of Natural Resources, “The majority of earthquakes worldwide occur at plate boundaries when plates stick together and then jump over each other. These earthquakes are often the most destructive and are well understood in terms of plate tectonics. The cause of earthquakes in South Carolina is unclear. They are located South Carolina earthquakes are within a plate rather than its boundary.In our case, the earthquakes may occur along ancient plate boundaries where existing faults are reactivated with the release of geological pressure.The study of these faults is difficult because many of the previously active faults are buried deeply in the sediments. across the coastal plain.

Several areas of seismic activity are concentrated across the southeastern United States with the highest concentration centered near Charleston and along the Mississippi River (Alabama Geological Survey).

In South Carolina, approximately 70 percent of earthquakes occur on the coastal plain and most are clustered around areas west and north of Charleston. This area has the highest concentration of ancient fault lines in the state.

The 15 most active and earthquake-prone states in the United States are Alaska, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Illinois, and Kentucky. South Carolina comes in at number 16 and has the highest risk of any state on the East Coast. One of the main reasons South Carolina is vulnerable to earthquake damage is through a process called liquefaction—a process in which saturated sand loosens and loses strength due to ground shaking with the force of an earthquake. This can cause serious damage to structures as the ground beneath them becomes very unstable.

Coastal South Carolina is highly vulnerable to earthquake damage primarily due to soil type and liquefaction process (USGS)

past earthquakes

The strongest earthquake on record hit the eastern United States near Charleston on the night of August 31, 1886. The violent tremors lasted for a full minute and were of magnitude 7.6. This earthquake was the most powerful earthquake ever to hit the East Coast, and shook so powerfully that it was felt from Cuba to Bermuda to Chicago and Boston. The structural damage was extensive, extending as far as Alabama, Ohio, and West Virginia. Almost all buildings in the town were severely damaged. It is estimated that 14,000 chimneys in Charleston fell as a result of the shaking. It caused multiple fires and ruptured and cracked water lines and wells. Railroads were bent in all directions at some locations across the Low Country. Aftershocks continued to rock the area for several months.

The Charleston earthquake of 1886 resulted in extensive and severe damage.

Twenty-seven years after the Charleston earthquake of 1886, another powerful earthquake occurred in South Carolina. This earthquake occurred on the afternoon of January 1, 1913 at 1:28 pm near the town of Union in Union County. This earthquake struck a magnitude of 5.5 on the Richter scale. The shaking was felt from the western part of South Carolina to northern Georgia, North Carolina, and even parts of Virginia. The damage was minimal and there were no deaths.

Is another major earthquake likely?

The fact that South Carolina has already experienced a major earthquake in the past means that another major event is likely even though it is nearly impossible to predict when and where.

In 2001, the South Carolina Department of Emergency Management conducted an in-depth study of the risks and potential damage from future earthquakes. The study modeled a 7.3-magnitude earthquake near Charleston similar to the earthquake in 1886. According to the study, an earthquake of this magnitude today would result in economic losses due to construction damage of more than $14 billion across the state. This will be followed by widespread power outages, transportation disruptions, and water system problems.

The study went on to model weaker earthquakes and possible effects.

The study stated that “In the event of a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Charleston, approximately 136,000 buildings would have sustained minor to moderate damage and 25,000 would be extensively damaged. Total construction losses including capital and income losses would exceed $2 billion.”

When modeling a scenario for a Charleston earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 on the Richter scale, the report went on to note that “Loss and injuries are significantly reduced. The number of casualties would be less than 100 with the number of deaths not estimated. The total losses to buildings would be approximately $230 million.”

The study also examined the potential impact of a smaller earthquake near Columbia. If a value of 5.0 on the Richter scale occurred in Colombia, “nearly 400 buildings would have sustained minor or moderate damage with a total loss of $310 million.”

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