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Conservatives plot ‘political earthquake’ and send independent letter to the SNP

Conservatives plot ‘political earthquake’ and send independent letter to the SNP


Scottish Conservatives aim to double the number of councillors in Glasgow in local elections in May – believing that harnessing the pro-union vote will “cause a political earthquake against the SNP” and Nicola Sturgeon sends a letter to delay the introduction of a second independence referendum.

Conservative local government spokesman Miles Briggs insisted his party hope to make the most of the preferential voting system in council elections in just over two months and rely on tactical union voting to make the Conservatives “the largest party in local government across Scotland”.

Briggs dismissed suggestions that the scandal surrounding his party in Westminster would discourage voters, claiming that the Conservative Party could make gains in central Scotland.

Speaking to The Herald, Briggs noted that the Conservatives “outperformed what people expected” in last year’s Holyrood election, adding that we “won 100,000 more votes.”

He said: “The council elections are now our opportunity for union voters, particularly across Scotland, to use the council elections as an opportunity to create a political earthquake against the SNP.”

The Lothians MSP noted that its party won 162 local council members for 2017, while two more seats were won in by-elections – adding that “there is no set ceiling for where we want to go”.

He said: “Glasgow is a perfect example of progress as we have gone from councilor for about 20 years in the city to eight. But we were right on the sidelines in all the other districts to elect other people.

“Going forward in Glasgow, we can double our council numbers again if we can win those seats.

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“It will take union vote to get behind the Conservatives and they can – with a system of proportional representation – where they lend the vote and make sure that unionists vote for the Conservatives with their first preference across West Central Scotland and the Central Belt.

“It’s a huge opportunity to give the SNP a bloody nose at this election and stop the SNP.”

Briggs added: “Now Nicola Sturgeon begins her full campaign for another referendum, if the SNP goes back in time in this election it is already sending the message that people don’t want another divisive referendum. The best way to do that in a council election is for the Conservatives to try, As the strongest opposition party, winning more seats across what were seen as traditional areas of the SNP and Labour.

“It’s that unitary tactical vote that I want to make sure we’re pushing for and trying to get the people in this council election to think about how we’re going to kick out the SNP councilman in all these wings across Glasgow and the Central Belt.”

Briggs played down the impact of the Party Gate saga that swept the Conservatives in Westminster.

He said, “I think in general, the conversations that I’ve had since Christmas when we’ve seen these issues really come to the fore, people have realized that this is a council election.

“I think we have the most developed voters across the UK because we vote constantly.

I think voters are well aware that this is not a Westminster election but the Constitution will still be used by the SNP if they do a good job.”

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He was pressured by the prime minister’s absence from an election pamphlet sent by the Conservatives. Mr. Briggs insisted that the brochure was meant to “show our new talents”, as MSPs at Holyrood were elected last year and brought into the spotlight.

He added, “For Douglas, it’s not so much the prime minister but it’s progressing. The actual main message was about levels of support in the by-election as Labor and the Liberal Democrats collapsed and continued to decline. In every House by-election, we’ve increased our support.”

Amid reports that the prime minister is set to appear at the Scottish Conservative Party conference next month, despite the rift with Douglas Ross’ party, Briggs does not expect the prime minister to be off campaigning ahead of the May election.

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He added, “Overall, I can’t think of any prime minister who came to support the council’s campaign. We want to use this to get our new MSP kit.”

“Miles Briggs needs to get out more,” said Kelly Barry, SNP’s campaign manager.

“The only topic of conversation on doorsteps is Boris Johnson and the fact that you cannot trust the Conservatives, that is the message voters will be sending in May.

“More and more people are waking up to the fact that Westminster is so far removed from the daily struggles of people across Scotland.”




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