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The Yellowstone volcano may have become less severe, indicating the discovery of two ancient eruptions


In May this year, more than 280 earthquakes were stationed in Yellowstone National Park, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. However, a new study suggests that Yellowstone hotspot activity may finally decrease and estimate that there may be a triple decrease in its ability to produce super eruption events.

Yellowstone is among the most seismically active in the United States and sees about 700 to 3,000 earthquakes each year, but most of it doesn’t feel like it. Yellowstone National Park is located above three caldera (volcanic craters), which were the result of a series of super-volcanic eruptions. Yellowstone is known as the invisible volcano because it had at least one eruption as 1,000 cubic kilometers or more of material erupted, and it is also the threshold for the highest eruption of size 8 on the volcano eruption index (VEI). A research team has now discovered two super volcanic eruptions associated with the Yellowstone hotspot trajectory, which occurred millions of years ago, including what they believe to be the “largest and most catastrophic volcanic event” in the volcanic province. The results indicate that the hotspot, which today nourishes the famous heaters, mud utensils and fumarole in Yellowstone National Park, may be dwindling in intensity, and that massive eruptions are now occurring less frequently than in the past.

The two events are called the McMullen Creek eruption, which occurred about 8.99 million years ago, and the Grace Landing eruption, which occurred about 8.72 million years ago. The team used a range of techniques, including bulk chemistry, magnetic data, and radioisotopic dates to connect volcanic deposits scattered across tens of thousands of square kilometers. “We discovered that sediments that were previously thought to belong to multiple and small eruptions were, in fact, huge sheets of volcanic material from two super-explosions they had not known before about 9.0 and 8.7 million years ago,” says lead author Thomas Nut. The volcanologist at the University of Leicester, in published analysis of geology.

Newly identified super explosions occurred during the myosin, a period spanning 23 to 5.3 million years. These two new eruptions raise the total number of recorded Miocene super eruptions in the Yellowstone-Snake River volcano to six. According to experts, this means that the frequency of hot focus revolutions in Yellowstone during myosin was, on average, once every 500,000 years. By comparison, over the past three million years, the Yellowstone hotspot has experienced two super explosions, at a rate of one every 1.5 million years or so. “Therefore, the Yellowstone hotspot appears to have seen its capacity to produce super revolutionary eruptions drop by three times. This is a very significant decrease,” says Nutt.

Morning Glory Pool, Yellowstone National Park (Jim Piaco National Park Service)

The smallest of them, the ultra-grazing Landing Eruption, is now the largest recorded event in the entire Snake River-Yellowstone Volcano County. Based on the latest combinations of volumes of the super eruption, scientists say it is one of the five best explosions ever. The team, which also includes researchers from the British Geological Survey and the University of California, Santa Cruz, estimates that the Grace Landing eruption was 30% larger than the previous record holder (Huckleberry Ridge Tuff) and had devastating effects both domestically and globally. According to the analysis, the Grace Landing eruption covered an area the size of New Jersey in “extremely hot volcanic glass that immediately burns” the surface of the Earth – somewhere in the 23,000 sq km area. The study describes that anything inside this area could have been buried and likely to evaporate during the explosion.

Super explosions are among the most extreme events affecting the Earth’s surface, but very few examples are known to assess their global role in Earth’s crust processes and environmental impact. The research team demonstrates that the discoveries demonstrate the efficacy of identifying and tracking massive deposit sheets by combining the chemistry of trace elements with mineral formations and ancient field and magnetic characterization. “This approach should lead to further discoveries and volume estimates, here and in other provinces. The number of known super revolutions has increased from the Yellowstone hotspot, and it appears that the timeframe of the Rocky County needs revision, and indicates that the hotspot may wither.”

The study originated from a larger project looking at the productivity of the major continental volcanic provinces. However, the results do not have much effect on the risk analysis of another super revolution currently occurring in Yellowstone. According to the researchers, the last super eruption was 630,000 years ago, indicating that we may have as many as 900,000 years before another eruption of this size. However, the team warns that this estimate is far from accurate and confirms that continued surveillance in the area, conducted by the US Geological Survey, is “a must.”

During May 2020, the University of Utah seismic stations, responsible for operating and analyzing the Yellowstone Seismic Network, found 288 earthquakes in the Yellowstone National Park area. The biggest event was a slight earthquake with a magnitude of 3.1 located 5 miles west of Norris Junction in Yellowstone National Park on May 29. “Seismic sequences like this are common and account for nearly 50% of all earthquakes in the Yellowstone region. Yellowstone earthquake activity says the US Geological Survey.”

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