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Another low-intensity earthquake jolts Delhi-NCR, the sixteenth earthquake since April


Amid speculation and rumors that followed the frequent earthquakes in the region, the National Capital on Monday was rocked by another tremor with a center in Gurugram, Haryana.
“An earthquake measuring 2.1 on the Richter scale struck 13 km northwest of Gurugram, Haryana, at 1 pm today,” said the National Seismology Center.


I felt tremors in Delhi and Noida too.
No injuries or property damage were reported from any part of the NCR.

With frequent earthquakes, there were concerns if they were precursors to a large wave, but experts say there is nothing unusual about this seismic activity.
They stressed that although earthquakes are unpredictable, an appropriate disaster management plan must be developed to deal with any emergency.

The Delhi-NCR region is very strange with regard to seismic activities. It has many fault lines that generate earthquakes, but it also feels the impact of earthquakes centered around the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan and even in Nepal.

Delhi experienced a major earthquake in 1720 with a magnitude of 6.5. The last major earthquake was in the area near Bolandshahr in 1956 measuring 6.7, according to AK Shukla, who was head of the Center for Psychology and Seismological Risk Assessment Center of the Meteorology Department of India which was later placed under the newly formed National Seismology Center.

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Shukla said that the recent earthquakes are not an unusual phenomenon because the Delhi-NCR region has many fault lines such as the Mahendrajdar-Dehradun fault. There are errors in Mathura, Moradabad and Sohna.

CP Rajendran, professor of geodynamics at the Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research in Bengaluru, said Delhi had not witnessed any earthquake above 4.5 degrees so far.
He said there is very little likelihood of a major earthquake in Delhi-NCR, an extremely densely populated area.
“Earthquakes are not new to Delhi-NCR because of many fault lines. If one notices the earthquake pattern since the past two and a half months, it has recorded its highest level on May 29 (Rohtak). Since then it has decreased.

“We don’t have the fault lines in Delhi that span hundreds of kilometers, like the way we have in the Himalayas and known for their high seismic activities. There are local fault lines that are bound to remove the pressure from earthquakes,” Rajendran said.

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Shukla said that due to breakdown systems around Delhi, the city could get an earthquake with a strength of 6 to 6.5, but this only shows the capacity of the local system.
“This does not mean that such an earthquake will happen immediately because there is no scientific technique to predict the earthquake,” he said.
Shukla, who was part of the team that conducted the seismic micro zone of the city, said 30 percent of Delhi is located under the fifth region, while the rest is under the fourth region.

According to the map of total seismic zoning in the whole of India, the Bureau of Indian Standards classified the entire country into four main groups – the fifth region (high density) to the second region (low density).
“Recent earthquakes are a warning, but there is no earthquake forecasting technology. We need a mitigation plan like structures that can withstand tremors. Delhi also feels tremors whenever earthquakes occur in the Himalayas,” he said.


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