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Archaeologists discover a temple in Egypt inspired by the Greek god Zeus | smart news

Archaeologists discover a temple in Egypt inspired by the Greek god Zeus |  smart news


Archaeologists are working in the ruins of the Temple of Zeus Cassius, a deity merging the Greek god and Mount Cassius. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Zeus, the god of heaven in Greek mythology, was believed to be omnipresent and observant of people’s worldly affairs. Given his Greek roots – and his stunning temple at Olympia – you’d be forgiven for thinking the only temples to Zeus existed in Greece.

A new discovery in Egypt challenges this idea. The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced, in a statement issued on Monday, that archaeologists have discovered the remains of a temple inspired by Zeus in the Sinai Peninsula.

The temple honors Zeus Cassius – a deity who fuses the Greek god Zeus and Mount Cassius. Located on the border between Syria and Turkey, the mountain is linked to a legendary battle that took place between Zeus and the monster Typhoon to determine who will rule the universe. (Zeus won with the help of a bolt of lightning.)

Known today as Jebel Aqrah, Cassius is home to frequent thunderstorms and has become an important site of worship in many ancient traditions. Judith Sudelowski writes for the Jerusalem Post that the fusion of god and mountain is “an example of the legacy of religious multiculturalism in antiquity.”

In the statement, Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Egyptian Council of Antiquities, said the team identified the Temple of Zeus Cassius with the help of the remains of a pair of 6.5-foot-high pink granite columns that were once used as the temple’s entrance gate. He added that the columns may have collapsed due to the earthquake.

Archaeologists also discovered a set of granite blocks at the site – likely part of a staircase that enabled devotees to reach the temple.

The site has been excavated before: In the early twentieth century, the French Egyptologist Jean Clydet, a researcher of Christian antiquities in Egypt, found Greek sculptures at the site that mentioned Zeus Cassius. Clydes never excavated the entire site – and now modern archaeologists have taken the lead. They rediscovered the stone found by Clédat and discovered a similar stone bearing Greek carvings, along with evidence of the reuse of rose temple stones in other structures.

Hisham Hussein, director general of the excavations, said that he is currently studying the discovered blocks and that he will conduct a photogrammetric survey to understand the basic architectural design of the temple.

Archaeologists in northwest Sinai have discovered evidence of a temple to the Greek god Zeus. Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Inscriptions found during excavation show that the temple was renovated by Hadrian (117-138 AD). Known for his admiration of Greek civilization, the Roman emperor renovated other structures throughout his empire, including the Pantheon.

Because of the deity’s importance during antiquity, temples dedicated to Zeus have been found in other countries as well, writes David Kennedy in the Smithsonian’s Smart News section. Last year, researchers uncovered an entry gate to other temples of the deities in the ancient Greek city of Magnesia in what is now Turkey.

Ancient Civilizations Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Archeology Ancient Rome Fascinating Discoveries Egypt Middle East Myth Religion Rituals and Traditions of the Roman Empire

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